Considering the plunge. First timer


New member
So I have lifted for many years. I'm 31. 6'1" today I weighed 188 clothed. Haven't lifted since June 2014 at which time I weighed around 195 was benching 225x6 squating 275 for sets of 5 etc. Body fat prolly around 12-15. Certainly ectomorph. I've done prohormones in the past with some pretty good strength results (275x3) etc. I have been a member here for awhile and have read a lot too. I want to do my first cycle but want to get opinions on when. I know strength comes back pretty quick but today I basically got crushed by 225 on the bench. I have transitioned into kettlbells but have not been lifting at all really. How long should I wait to cycle? I don't want to injure my ligaments and tendons growing too fast. Am I looking at a year? A few months? Any advice is appreciTed.
Thanks friend. I have read those and will be following the first timer cycle outlined by austinte. My concerns are in regards to my time off and how long I should be lifting again before doing the cycle. I was thinking around three months, but I'm not sure if that long enough. Prior to this lay off I had lifted consistently for about two years and quite regular for about 3 years prior.
I think you should workout, lift hard for at least 6 months before cycling. I would say longer, but you seem to not be new to working out. During this 6 month natty period, your goals should be to learn as much as you can, dial in your diet, and have everything (pct, syringes, needles, gear for WHOLE cycle) on hand.
I think you should workout, lift hard for at least 6 months before cycling. I would say longer, but you seem to not be new to working out. During this 6 month natty period, your goals should be to learn as much as you can, dial in your diet, and have everything (pct, syringes, needles, gear for WHOLE cycle) on hand.


In austinites write up there is a whole list of things about having the proper diet, foundation, etc etc.

I would say at least six months on a proper diet learning how to eat properly hitting your macros( thats also in that thread) and training solid. If you've trained like you say you have the solid foundation shouldn't be that far off with muscle memory working in your favor.

When on gear you'll always have the chance of getting hurt you just have to have train yourself that its not the quantity ( max weight) its the quality unless your looking to be a power lifter. You'll see some experienced guys here talking about looking like the guy who can bench 400 then actually doing it. If you want to cycle to look better and get a little bigger then you can do that without hurting yourself just lift lighter and more intense and the gear will promote growth and if your hitting your macros for what your going for (bulk or cut) will do the rest.

Just make sure like said above you have everything on hand before you do the first pin or you'll be here with a thread begging for help to fix a problem that should have never existed.

When your ready post a proposed cycle and get input and the members here will guide you along
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coup-lÃ*, pas vrai! pour son vieux chéri de Gautruche?

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