Contest prep diet, seeking advice


New member
Hey guys, long time lurker here looking for advice.

So I have been training for 4 years solid naturally. I recently did my first cycle (test E 500) for 10 weeks. I'm 6'2 225 roughly 15% bodyfat. I started that cycle at 11% but definitely overate in an attempt to grow as much as possible. I roughly put on 15lbs of lean size from that cycle alone aside from fat gain. Currently c***sing and planning to do a 12 week cycle for my contest (I have competed before but only placed top 5 in my class). Really hoping to do well, planning on using test p/ mast p along with cytomel for 6 weeks and clen (2wk on 2wk off).

Seeing as im using AAS and cytomel can I just do a carb cycle diet with high protein and moderate fat? Last prep I did 45 mins fasted cardio 5 days a week and a day of HIIT training along with my regular weights. I came in at MAYBE 8% bodyfat and even that would be generous. Should I carb cycle or just drop into a huge defect to lean out in time....? I've never been this fat pre contest and never used cytomel or AAS for a contest. I'll definitely drop the cytomel 2-3 weeks out but I want to come in LEAN as fuck and NAIL my conditioning. Any advice is appreciated!