Convenience foods for inconvenient job


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Hi guys first I'd like to say thank you for all the great info I've received from your posts. Hard won experience seems to be the most valuable resource available. Now, I am a 35yo crane operator working 10-12 hours a day and training about an hour and a half every evening. That means I am trapped in a box 85% of my day sitting virtually still! Can anyone suggest some foods or "meal replacements" I can consume during my day as to not starve myself but not pack on bad weight? I'm 5'10" 195 lbs not sure my body fat but although I'm fairly strong for my size I am a little more doughy than I'd like to be. Any constructive advice would be much appreciated so thank you in advance!
On a side note I've been doing lots of homemade venison and beef jerky, protizyme shakes twice a day, almonds and bag white tuna when I can stand it. I do get hungry of course but I'm more concerned with my nutritional intake. I do not have the ability to cook on the job but I do keep a cooler with me.
Do you get many opportunities to take five minutes to eat? I can give you some good ideas, things I do, when I'm stuck for time and need to put something down fast. Do you have a lunch room with a microwave? If so, this could be easier than you thought.
Sometimes I have a micro available it just depends on where I'm at on the job. And yes I can eat pretty well whenever I'm just concerned with how little calories I burn. I do train hard in the evenings and I am on cycle now but out of respect for this being a diet forum I am trying to keep my questions diet related.
ehh i dont think stats are necessary (my opinion) when giving this type of info, its just foods to eat on the go
Chocolate bars (from Walmart) and whey shakes are my convenience go-tos. Chocolate bars are cheap and provide the fats and carbs. Whey for the protein, obviously.

Might not be the healthiest but I can hit calorie targets easily. Nuts are good, as Trinijuice said. Large calories, good fats, tasty, convenient.
Oh I put those in my first post: 35yo 5'10" 195lbs. My flat bench is about 235 and squat about 315 so I'm certainly not a picture of health but I'm not ALL body fat lol! My goals are not as strength oriented so much as I need to harden up if that helps narrow my best food choices down. Also thanks everyone for suggestions thus far there are a few on there that I'll definitely be adding to the lunch box arsenal!