conversion of raw powder


New member
i have a source that has a list of raw materials...other than fina i have never converted anything. the lis includes; TEST BP98, deconoate, enanthate, propionate, undecanoate and cypionate. does it make a difference with the conversion which one i get? i know there is different half lifes expecially with prop. but will i need anything else, have instructions for converting but doesnt really specify which ester. also has the following; boldenone base, boldenolone base and bolenolone undec. are these all EQ? again which would be easist/best to get? thanks for any help.
Test Prop, Test Cyp, Test Enan, bolenolone undec.

I have never used the others, but these are easy to convert

Enan, Cyp, EQ 2.5%BA
Prop 3%BA 10%BB
enan and boldenone unde (already liquid) are the easiest becuae they are soluable in oil and require no solvent. add to oil heat a bit and filter.
pullinbig said:
enan and boldenone unde (already liquid) are the easiest becuae they are soluable in oil and require no solvent. add to oil heat a bit and filter.

Even if you can get away with not using any BA, shouldn't you use some anyway for sterility purposes?
xtinct said:
Even if you can get away with not using any BA, shouldn't you use some anyway for sterility purposes?

this has been discussed at length in another thread. dont remeber the name of it but you can look around and see, the point in short is this. yes BA is an effective antimicrobial against gram positive bacteria. it is however ineffective against gram negative bacteria which is found in the membrane walls of endotoxins. sterile filtering captures almost all bacteria and that which is small enought o make it thru a .45 micron filter is easliy killed by baking for 1 hour at 250f. if it makes you feel better to add BA then go ahead as it doesnt hurt anything esp @ 3%. the heat sterization method is by far more effective than BA. there is along list of gram negative bacteria and many can lead to death. I always filter and heat sterilize but only use BA as a solvent and not an antimicrobial. hope this answered yo question.
when you bake it is their any chance the AS can be damaged? also thinking of making some oral Winstrol (winny), is that right mix it with everclear?
thepeg said:
when you bake it is their any chance the AS can be damaged? also thinking of making some oral Winstrol (winny), is that right mix it with everclear?

at 250f no it wil not be damged. many hormones have a higher melting point than that any way. just make sure to asperate the vial.

winny in everclear will work. 5g powder with 45ml everclear will yield 50ml of 100mg/ml Winstrol (winny) oral suspension.

the peg400 50mg/ml Winstrol (winny) depot is holding in solution and pain free after 48 hours so it looks like this may be the way to go. I will try some 100mg/ml next and see if it holds and is painless.
i havent seen everclear on any of the sites that sell conversion kits can it be bought over the counter? thanks for the answer, you helped out a lot, gonna go ahead and order tonight
thepeg said:
i havent seen everclear on any of the sites that sell conversion kits can it be bought over the counter? thanks for the answer, you helped out a lot, gonna go ahead and order tonight

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