Cooking Chicken Breast in Bulk??? Advice Needed desperately before I go broke

Try to remember gentleman.......

If this shit were easy...... Everyone would be doing it :D
I would love to sign up with you 3J because all this research gives me a headache with my upcoming cycle trying to get my diet down. I have been laid off of my job for about 2 months now due to slow business. They said they would hire me back if they could pick up heavy business like in 08-09. Otherwise I'd sign up immediately.

What do you use olive oil for btw? Throw it on the chicken/tuna? I am googling meal plans right now (Meal #1, Meal #2, etc.) so I know what to buy and do...and I see olive oil in a lot of them also.
Cooking Chicken in Bulk is EASY and EASY to keep for a looong time.

I don't know dick about bodybuilding except the 4 yrs of weight lifting in high school and 4 years of football. Aside from that I am an avid chef and bartender.

Alot of information here is very helpful but what I haven't seen is anyone actually knowing how to store and cook and reconstitute without loss of flavor value or nutrition.


Cook your chicken in bulk till the THICKEST cut is 165F. (salt and pepper is more than enough, or leave it off whatever)

Place your chicken in ziplock bags that you are portioning for the upcoming days. (e.g. 1 quart ziplock per every 2 breast, 1 gallon per every 4 breast)

As soon as you put your hot chicken in the ziplocks you place this in an ice bath in your kitchen sink to drop the temperature rapidly to 70F or lower. You have 2 hours from the time the oven door opens to take it out, to get it to this temperature.


After that you have another 2 hours to get it to frozen temperature. This prevents the bacteria growth in the danger zone. So slap those wet bags into the freezer and let it do its magic.

Now when you need chicken, grab a portioned bag and throw it in a frying pan with about 1/4 inch of water and a bring to a boil. As soon as it starts boiling throw a lid on it for about 10-15mins while you're heating up your rice or veg etc.

I don't know dick about bodybuilding except the 4 yrs of weight lifting in high school and 4 years of football. Aside from that I am an avid chef and bartender.

Alot of information here is very helpful but what I haven't seen is anyone actually knowing how to store and cook and reconstitute without loss of flavor value or nutrition.


Cook your chicken in bulk till the THICKEST cut is 165F. (salt and pepper is more than enough, or leave it off whatever)

Place your chicken in ziplock bags that you are portioning for the upcoming days. (e.g. 1 quart ziplock per every 2 breast, 1 gallon per every 4 breast)

As soon as you put your hot chicken in the ziplocks you place this in an ice bath in your kitchen sink to drop the temperature rapidly to 70F or lower. You have 2 hours from the time the oven door opens to take it out, to get it to this temperature.


After that you have another 2 hours to get it to frozen temperature. This prevents the bacteria growth in the danger zone. So slap those wet bags into the freezer and let it do its magic.

Now when you need chicken, grab a portioned bag and throw it in a frying pan with about 1/4 inch of water and a bring to a boil. As soon as it starts boiling throw a lid on it for about 10-15mins while you're heating up your rice or veg etc.


Nice, how effective would this be for using em on a foreman grill?

I gave up microwaves over a year ago, and now its either baked, or grilled for me lol.
I throw all my breasts for the week into a slow cooker on medium for about 2 hours and there done. You can add whatever seasoning you want too these, to give them some flavor. The breasts stay very moist due to the braising style of cooking.
Bag of chicken in the slow cooker for 5 hours with some sauces or seasonings or salsa, depending on what my needs are. I only cook 2 days at a time because I don't like how the chicken tastes after sitting longer than that. Super easy and very low maintenance. I buy bags in bulk when they are on sale and keep them in the freezer.