could anyone help me out with my cycle ?


New member
Hello everyone my name is sabri i am currently 24 years old.

i have been hitting the gym for 2 years now.

i have had some great results in losing weight over the last 2 years i have lost 30 kilo's my current weight is 89 kilo.
how ever i am still moving on and i would like to lose about 10 more kilo's over 3 months or so.
i am currently on edkins diet i only eat meat, veggies, and fruit.

sinds the last 6 weeks i have been using trenbolone acetate 150 mg every 2 days i have had great results just by doing this but sinds 3 days now i have added winstrol "Stanozolol" 50 mg every day also injection.
i know that people say that you should use testosteron as a base so you wont get a tren dick how ever for me it has been the opposite i have been way more horny than usually. besides i am kinda scared for gyno and my goal is not to gain weight but to lose weight altho muscle gain is always welcome. i am also currently looking for what i should use after my cycle i was thinking about nolvadex 20 mg ?

i will be running this cycle for 3 more weeks and will get back to you guys with my results.

my other question is how mutch time recovery should i take before going on another cycle ? also what kind of cycle should i do ? "PREFERABLY A CUTTING CYCLE TO GET LEANER AND MORE MASS"

Also i am new to this forum so dont flame me please but any good honest advice is apreciated. View attachment 560963
OP - using testosterone as a base for your tren cycle, or any cycle,, is NOT just to keep 'tren dick' at bay.. It's not about your dick. As a male your body, brain, heart, etc. require this hormone in order to properly function.. Now that you no longer have testosterone in your system you are doing damage to your overall health and brain. . You take testosterone with every steroid cycle because of your HEALTH, your body needs it.
Not a good idea without test i seriously doubt gyno will ne a issue use minimum 200mg test ew ive used tren no test for experiment its not optimal to feel like shit you'll get more out of it with test
thank you everyone for the honest advice and opinions i will add test to my cycle at a low dose to see how my body reacts to it. and read up more about diffrent cycles also about my picture i am from the netherlands our goverment does not give a shit about any drug use in the netherlands we have a law that alouwes people to use drugs as long it is self use only there are no problems.