Could u just pop a pill under your tounge for faster kick in?


New member
I know for medication you throw it under your tounge and it hits you in a few minutes instead of 35+mins when swallowing. Does a medication have to fit a certain profile to do that or could you do it with anything, such as steroids? I thought of it yesterday. I been working 13-17hour days so as soon as i get home its either get changed and go right away or just dont go. So not enough time for the 2hour preworkout for it to kick in. A weird question but i was just curious. Prob could just snort it but id prefer to avoid that lol
I just goigled the question; i always do that, post a thought THEN google it, lol. But what i found were people worried about bioavailability and making it stronger and thats kinda the direction the thread was leading into. But im just thinking in times of a time crunch. Dont wanna take it at 5am if i workout at 9pm and dont wanna walk around with it in my pocket all day but i wanna get the pump for the gym lol(taking superdrol so 1 pill with a very short halflife)
Everything I've ever tried under the tongue worked great. Never tried with steroids but I dont see it being much different. May irritate your mouth a good bit more than other meds do. Also may hit the bloodstream harder but that's kinda what you're going for here.

I'd try it and see :)
It needs to fit a specific profile.
God...i feel like a junkie knowing all of this lol....
Not 100% sure of english words but basically you have bioavailability in drugs, meaning how much you're body can break down and actually absorb.

Using random opiate as a an example...
It can have 20% availability trough stomach but instead a whooping 80% in the nose(word is different but lets go with nose lol...)
Or it could be vice versa or no difference at all.
lol... just saw that you already googled my extensive druggie knowledge lol...but thats how it works...
Some drugs are really really bad at snorting, just sayin :P
Lol yea i read snorting steroids has zero benefit.... But that just got me thinking about whats even the point of a pump? You have the feeling like you got a better workout but do you actually, does it lead to better gains or would it make more sense to be at peak levels once you fall asleep cause thats apparently when we grow the most.
But i get what your saying santa... Your body has specific functions for specific things. Like the lock and key example. Your body has all sorts of different functions that can be seen as various locks, In order for your body to use or absorb chemicals the chemical must fit the lock like a key. Like chemcials in the brain.... Its funny cause i remember just over 20 years ago being told in school that no one knows if the brain is chemical or electrical. Now we claim to know exactly how every 1 of the trillion synapses work and affect us. Like the claims about selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (antidepressants).
From my limited understanding, muscles grow in 2 ways (simplified)
One is from straining and forcing repair and added muscle tissue.
The other one is flowing said muscle with blood and nutrients (why pump is important).

Far as peak levels, I believe its best to have consistent levels throughout the 24 hour day cycle. Simply because our bodies are so complex its hard to pinpoint one single aspect as being the greater influence.
Antidepressants (actually all psychotropic drugs) were just stumbled on. When the lock and key example was discovered by noticing certsin parts of the brain absorbed different dyes they then went on to find cures for infectious deseases. When the nazis were over run scientists started testing fuel for the v2 rocket (rocket fuel) they found it cured TB when they gave it to TB patients doctors said that the patients were dancing in excitement so then psychiatrists were like it seems to also cure depression... How about they were dancing cause they could breathe again and now were cured of a desease that left them in an institution and now they were about to be released back into the world, lol!
O yea, good point. I guess also since our muscles are 75% water its best to pump in as much as possible lol
Antidepressants (actually all psychotropic drugs) were just stumbled on. When the lock and key example was discovered by noticing certsin parts of the brain absorbed different dyes they then went on to find cures for infectious deseases. When the nazis were over run scientists started testing fuel for the v2 rocket (rocket fuel) they found it cured TB when they gave it to TB patients doctors said that the patients were dancing in excitement so then psychiatrists were like it seems to also cure depression... How about they were dancing cause they could breathe again and now were cured of a desease that left them in an institution and now they were about to be released back into the world, lol!

Same thing with viagra lol. It was supposed to be a treat to cardiovascular problems but people kept getting boners lol.
Most drugs are found this way i believe. Lucky "accidents" like penicillin.
Antidepressants (actually all psychotropic drugs) were just stumbled on. When the lock and key example was discovered by noticing certsin parts of the brain absorbed different dyes they then went on to find cures for infectious deseases. When the nazis were over run scientists started testing fuel for the v2 rocket (rocket fuel) they found it cured TB when they gave it to TB patients doctors said that the patients were dancing in excitement so then psychiatrists were like it seems to also cure depression... How about they were dancing cause they could breathe again and now were cured of a desease that left them in an institution and now they were about to be released back into the world, lol!
Where did you learn this?