Could you please critique my cutting diet?


New member
What's up guys? Here are some of my stats and my diet. I should tell you that this is probably the max amount of meat I can have in my diet. My family is vegetarian, and I'm trying to become vegetarian as well. I appreciate the help fellas!

Age: 22
Weight: 176
Height: 5 feet 10 inches
BF: 13-14%
BMR: 1862.36
TDEE: 2979.78
Goals: I want to cut down to around 10-11% bf, yet add a little mass on at the same time with the help of some (tren ace 500 mg's a week, test prop 250 mg's a week, and anavar 60 mg's e/d (4 weeks)). The total length of the cycle will be 8 weeks.

Workout: usually workout around 2-3 pm (I follow the routine below. I workout 3 days in a row, then rest one day, and then repeat in this order.) Cardio will be 5 days a week in the form of the Insanity workout.

Workout 1: Chest/Abs
Workout 2: Legs
Workout 3: Shoulders/Traps/Abs
Workout 4: Triceps/ Light Chest
Workout 5: Back/Biceps/Abs

Diet: I also drink between 1-1.5 gallons of water daily

Meal 1 (454/24/5/33) (cal/fat/carb/pro)
3 whole eggs, (210/15/0/18)
Oatmeal, 1/2 cup, (150/3/27/5)
Tofu, 0.5 cup, (94/6/2.3/10)

Meal 2 (387/25/6/38)
6oz canned white chicken breast, (157/3/0/30)
3 tbsp peanuts, (170/15/6/8)
1/2 tablespoon olive oil, (60/6.8/0/0)

Post Workout
whey protein shake, (210/3.75/4.5/41)

Meal 3 (373/7/36/40)
6oz canned white chicken breast, (157/3/0/30)
1 medium sweet potato, (136/4/24/2)
Fat Free Milk, 1 cup (80/0/12/8)

Meal 4 (543/10/47/30)
Quinoa, 0.5 cup, (340/3/30/10)
1 cup broccoli, (103/5/13/4)
Cottage Cheese, 0.5 cup, (100/2/4/16)

Meal 5 (~420/6/40/22)
Open to whatever fits the macros here.

Meal 6 (150/3.27/6.15/23)
Cottage Cheese, 0.75 cup, (150/3.27/6.15/23)

MACROS: cal/fat/carb/pro - 2537/80/145/227

Thanks again guys!
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drop carbs down to 50 or less, up fat by 40ish or so toss a refeed once a week where u eat up carbs, and you should be good, also man stay away from canned chicken, if its the kind im thinking then its got ike 800 sodium in it <_ <
There's something wrong with your math, those macros work out to more like 2200 calories. Even with tren I think it might be very difficult to gain any muscle on that, though you will definitely get lean very fast (assuming you don't have sloth metabolism).
Though honestly, that's probably a good thing. Focusing on one goal at a time generally ends up being much more time efficient in the long-run. Being super lean will give the appearance of having gained muscle mass anyway.