Couple different questions about this and that.....

New alias

Grow Stronger
I have been to many steroid forums, but for some reason this one is my favorite. I am really not quite sure why, I have had good and bad experiences here. I think the fact is the mods here, and seasoned members really know their shit. I always feel safe when taking advise from people here.

Started NPP for the first time 1 week ago, a couple months into a test c blast....

1) Should one increase their arimidex from .5mg eod(which has been sufficing) up, upon introducing NPP?

1) Just raised prami from .25mg to .5mg after 1 weeks use, and plan to up to .25mg for the next two weeks until reaching 1mg and then stopping there, I believe this is the way members have advised to use prami here?

2) I want to get bloodwork done to check prolactin, estrogen, test soon... Should I wait until I reach 1mg prami and then go about a week after that, or what?

3) This may sound like a dumb question but will NPP affect free test or total test levels? I am curious to see if my test levels are where it should be for the amount of test c I am injecting....

Thanks in advance, I am really appreciative.
1. A blood test will confirm this more than we can by guessing. It really depends on how much your body aromatizes and while NPP doesn't aromatize A TON, it can add a bit extra to the mix.

2. Honestly, I feel that dopamine agonists should be one of the things that can actually be put in the "if the need arises" category now. I used to really think you had to be proactive with controlling potential prolactin, but why go through the upset stomach and potential dopamine issues if you don't have to. Sure, caber/prami can make you feel great, and yes they can make it so you can have sex back-to-back - but they can also make life miserable too. For the record, I've never had to personally go to 1mg ED/EOD, even on 800mg tren with 750mg of deca at the same time. Everyone's different, but I use my dick as a prolactin barometer (estradiol too I guess lol) -- if you start getting boners that you're less-than-proud of, that's when I start the prami.

3. I *almost* said no to this one, but ANY anabolic/androgenic steroid can drive down SHBG; causing your free testosterone to rise slightly. Whether or not this is any more significant than what is going to happen from the test base is beyond my knowledge, but yes - it can. DHT derivatives are more known for this trait, as they also bind to androgen receptors over estradiol, but the effect is the same when all is said and done.

My .02c :)
Halfwit summed it up pretty well... Not everyone is prolactin sensitive. Me, not so much, I'm more sensitive to estrogen, but the bloke next to me might be the other way around, the bloke on the other side may get no prolactin sides nor estrogen sides on say 1G of Test, Deca and Tren. Everyone will vary.

Dopamine Agonists really should only be run IMO if you start experiencing sides... Be more concerned controlling estrogen as that is typically the root cause of sides that are said to be prolactin related. Blood tests are the true way to confirm the issue.
Op - how many mg of test and NPP are you taking?

Your prami use seems overkill (though keeping prolactin at 0 is just fine).. I've ran deca several times, have prami on hand, I've never had to use it
1. A blood test will confirm this more than we can by guessing. It really depends on how much your body aromatizes and while NPP doesn't aromatize A TON, it can add a bit extra to the mix.

2. Honestly, I feel that dopamine agonists should be one of the things that can actually be put in the "if the need arises" category now. I used to really think you had to be proactive with controlling potential prolactin, but why go through the upset stomach and potential dopamine issues if you don't have to. Sure, caber/prami can make you feel great, and yes they can make it so you can have sex back-to-back - but they can also make life miserable too. For the record, I've never had to personally go to 1mg ED/EOD, even on 800mg tren with 750mg of deca at the same time. Everyone's different, but I use my dick as a prolactin barometer (estradiol too I guess lol) -- if you start getting boners that you're less-than-proud of, that's when I start the prami.

3. I *almost* said no to this one, but ANY anabolic/androgenic steroid can drive down SHBG; causing your free testosterone to rise slightly. Whether or not this is any more significant than what is going to happen from the test base is beyond my knowledge, but yes - it can. DHT derivatives are more known for this trait, as they also bind to androgen receptors over estradiol, but the effect is the same when all is said and done.

My .02c :)

Thanks a lot brotha
Op - how many mg of test and NPP are you taking?

Your prami use seems overkill (though keeping prolactin at 0 is just fine).. I've ran deca several times, have prami on hand, I've never had to use it

I am going to put prami back down to .35 then instead of .5 which is what I did last night.... I'll even drop the prami back to .25 if u guys really think using it is pointless unless I start experiencing sides....

As Halfwit shared I will let erections be the judge of whether to increase prami or not going forward.

I started NPP a little over 1 week ago now, after 2 weeks it should be in my system enough to get adequate bw?
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I am injecting 1200mg of test c a week, although... 800mgs of this labs test c had me at about 2500 Test, Serum... When having bw done at 8 weeks and revealing my test was under dosed I made the decision to add another ml to each injection.... I am not going to share which lab this is....

Now I just picked up some more test c(not injecting yet) and npp from AML! I am running 450mg npp a week......

Got arimidex at .5mg eod.....

I need to get some bw done asap though, can someone please confirm that going in to get bw 2 weeks after starting npp is good?
I am injecting 1200mg of test c a week, although... 800mgs of this labs test c had me at about 2500 Test, Serum... When having bw done at 8 weeks and revealing my test was under dosed I made the decision to add another ml to each injection.... I am not going to share which lab this is....

Now I just picked up some more test c(not injecting yet) and npp from AML! I am running 450mg npp a week......

Got arimidex at .5mg eod.....

I need to get some bw done asap though, can someone please confirm that going in to get bw 2 weeks after starting npp is good?

Should be enough time. NPP is a very short ester levels should be stable by now. I hope you expose that fucker selling underdosed test. Not sure that mods allow that here but what a shit bag selling a cheap compound like test C underdosed...
Should be enough time. NPP is a very short ester levels should be stable by now. I hope you expose that fucker selling underdosed test. Not sure that mods allow that here but what a shit bag selling a cheap compound like test C underdosed...

It's always best to contact the UGL directly and see what they're willing to do. Calling a lab out in the open forum is usually not a good idea unless they're completely unwilling to work with you. Even then, I'd talk to a moderator or administrator first.
IMO, don't even bother contact... What sort of contact would you expect from a UGL that brews test that gives a reading of 2500 on 800mg of their shit. On to the next lab if you ask me.

Btw 250mg has me at 1800ng/dl at the trough reading with a peak at an estimated 2200 tops (trough is at 3.5 days) and this is pharma grade. You can get a good idea of what sort of quality gear you are running by going along total test, free test is the one that won't let you measure this well, ofcourse variations but safe to say your stuff was shit.