

Mr TampaBay 2007
Because of past issues with cramping, I take extra Magnesium and Potassium supplements daily and drink lots and lots of water throughout the day, but my calves still cramp after heavy lifting (squats or raises) - and occasionally they really cramp the day after. Been lifting for 15 years so i'm not new to the supplement game, but after many attempts to fix this cramping issue, this one has me clueless.

Does anyone have a sure fire way to eliminate cramping even when fully H20 saturated? I figure there is another specific mineral deficency i'm facing - Mg and Potassium are not the issue.

Are you using anything else as supps right now?
I know when I use Clen, i get some nasty calf cramps. All you need to take to fix that up is some Taurine. Have you ever tried Taurine powder before? If not, give it a go, it really does help a lot. It's good for so many other things as well. And the best part is, it's really inexpensive.:)
My .02 is that most likely your electolytes are not balanced.

Higher doses of potassium will naturally lower your sodium levels, as low magnesium will effect your absorbability to potassium. Your body does need levels of sodium. If you also eat a very clean diet, you may have low sodium levels.

Only you will know for sure if this is a factor in your cramping
After long track practices back in the day I would cramp big time without some form of Gatorade or Powerade throughout the workout. Personally, I try not to adjust my electrolyte balances through supps. I think a clean diet, multivitamins and all the other supps I take are enough.
I also get calf cramps, as my sodium balance gets thrown off as I drink TOO much water sometimes.