New member
Hey all, if you wanna skip to the TL;DR check the bottom of the page.
most of my adult life if suffered from anxiety, it all started back when I was 15-16 and lost a good chunk of weight in highschool to impress a girl. Transformed my body by going from 270lbs to 170lbs in a year, lots of starvation and hours of cardio with no weightlifting involved. Ended up dating a girl and messing up my sleeping habits for at least 2 years while in highschool, and at this time I started P90X while still doing intense cardio sessions. I got too skinny; at 5'9" 155lbs I felt like a noodle. I was sleeping less than 4 hours every night, hardly drinking any water for fear of weight gain, and eating maybe less than 1000 cals a day (I cringe thinking about all this.)
After highschool I lost motivation, my girlfriend, and my body felt like a wreck. I should've been happy with my weight loss but I felt no energy. I got anxious, somewhat depressed, didn't leave my home for a year, and it took me a while to get myself back on track.
In the course of these events I had several check-ups at the doc and my test levels constantly floated around 340-350, but the doc never bothered mentioning it so I didn't think that was the issue.
Later on in life a close friend of mine gets me into lifting with Starting Strength and I start putting on a little muscle mass, but not much. I keep strength training for maybe 6 years while fixing up my eating, until I switch to bodybuilding. At this point I had some pretty depressing lifts
After 6 years of strength training I had:
Less than a two plate bench
Less than a 3 plate squat
Less than a 4 plate DL
I had very little muscle mass and generally felt disappointed with my body. Fatigue and brain fog were really really bad at this point, so I scheduled an appointment with a specialist in vitamin and mineral deficiencies who ran a few tests to see why I was so lethargic. Almost everything came back in range but my test levels were at 250ng/DL. He was the first doctor to ever point out how low my test was for a 22 year old man, so he put me on HCG for 2 months to try to fix me up, but it didn't help.
Fast forward to me right now at 25, I'm doing my first cycle and I've never felt as in control as I do now. I wasn't running large doses of pharmacy grade Test (400mg/wk of C) but I felt like it did a 180 on my perspective. I've become more aggressive, more socially dominant, funnier and happier than I've always been. The only depressing thought is going into PCT, losing my strength and muscle, and going back to a life of low test. I've never been clinically diagnosed with low T but I've shown all the signs for years now.
I've ran a few PH cycles in the past and I've lost all my gains every single time, but my low test finally explains why my progress on the gym is TRASH after 10 years of training compared to newbies who've been lifting for less than 3 years
I've ben considering TRT, and I just wanna know if TRT would even be the right choice under my circumstances. At 25 years old my test isn't getting any higher and I feel like I've exhausted all my resources for raising my test naturally (I've tried Clomid therapy, addressing nutrients, sleep, inflammation, stress, less exercise, more exercise, PLing, BBing, fasting, eating every 2 hrs, piracetam and brain drugs)
I'll run a few test after PCT to see where I stand, and I just want your suggestions what else I could do to naturally increase test. I've made my peace with never hoping off Test if it comes to that, I'll inject myself every day for life if it means I can feel like a normal man.
TL;DR. Chronically low T since I was 15 after huge weight loss trauma, fatigued and anxious for 10 years, now considering TRT at 25 after my first cycle of test to feel normal.
most of my adult life if suffered from anxiety, it all started back when I was 15-16 and lost a good chunk of weight in highschool to impress a girl. Transformed my body by going from 270lbs to 170lbs in a year, lots of starvation and hours of cardio with no weightlifting involved. Ended up dating a girl and messing up my sleeping habits for at least 2 years while in highschool, and at this time I started P90X while still doing intense cardio sessions. I got too skinny; at 5'9" 155lbs I felt like a noodle. I was sleeping less than 4 hours every night, hardly drinking any water for fear of weight gain, and eating maybe less than 1000 cals a day (I cringe thinking about all this.)
After highschool I lost motivation, my girlfriend, and my body felt like a wreck. I should've been happy with my weight loss but I felt no energy. I got anxious, somewhat depressed, didn't leave my home for a year, and it took me a while to get myself back on track.
In the course of these events I had several check-ups at the doc and my test levels constantly floated around 340-350, but the doc never bothered mentioning it so I didn't think that was the issue.
Later on in life a close friend of mine gets me into lifting with Starting Strength and I start putting on a little muscle mass, but not much. I keep strength training for maybe 6 years while fixing up my eating, until I switch to bodybuilding. At this point I had some pretty depressing lifts
After 6 years of strength training I had:
Less than a two plate bench
Less than a 3 plate squat
Less than a 4 plate DL
I had very little muscle mass and generally felt disappointed with my body. Fatigue and brain fog were really really bad at this point, so I scheduled an appointment with a specialist in vitamin and mineral deficiencies who ran a few tests to see why I was so lethargic. Almost everything came back in range but my test levels were at 250ng/DL. He was the first doctor to ever point out how low my test was for a 22 year old man, so he put me on HCG for 2 months to try to fix me up, but it didn't help.
Fast forward to me right now at 25, I'm doing my first cycle and I've never felt as in control as I do now. I wasn't running large doses of pharmacy grade Test (400mg/wk of C) but I felt like it did a 180 on my perspective. I've become more aggressive, more socially dominant, funnier and happier than I've always been. The only depressing thought is going into PCT, losing my strength and muscle, and going back to a life of low test. I've never been clinically diagnosed with low T but I've shown all the signs for years now.
I've ran a few PH cycles in the past and I've lost all my gains every single time, but my low test finally explains why my progress on the gym is TRASH after 10 years of training compared to newbies who've been lifting for less than 3 years
I've ben considering TRT, and I just wanna know if TRT would even be the right choice under my circumstances. At 25 years old my test isn't getting any higher and I feel like I've exhausted all my resources for raising my test naturally (I've tried Clomid therapy, addressing nutrients, sleep, inflammation, stress, less exercise, more exercise, PLing, BBing, fasting, eating every 2 hrs, piracetam and brain drugs)
I'll run a few test after PCT to see where I stand, and I just want your suggestions what else I could do to naturally increase test. I've made my peace with never hoping off Test if it comes to that, I'll inject myself every day for life if it means I can feel like a normal man.
TL;DR. Chronically low T since I was 15 after huge weight loss trauma, fatigued and anxious for 10 years, now considering TRT at 25 after my first cycle of test to feel normal.
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