How can I crash diet without losing muscle? Do I need to eat proteins oppossed to carbs and fats? I'm starting this crash diet tomorrow no-matter what so you can't convince me. Just wondering with a multi-vitamin what else would help me retain my muscle?
crash diet meaning ur trying to drop lbs a day? Ur thinking about just not eating anything or what?
I know bodybuilders trying to cut fat fast and hard will have up to 4 zero carb days a week. No matter what tho, u will more than likely be sacrificing muscle to lose weight quickly. Definately up to u whether u think its worth it or not.
age 16 i mean 18..
weight is 165
height is 5'11
not sure about bf any more
I want to crash diet for a quick way to lose my fat before bulking. So i won't have to worry about cutting after I bulk up and lose more more muscle, then i will be now. I also don't have time to do a long cutting/weight loss
a week isn't gonna do anything... bulking equals putting on a little fat anyways.. doesn't work out so well....
my advice to you is to find my free diet advice thread in the diet section.. its the first thread.. go ahead and read through post 1 of the thread and do everything it asks.. then come back to me
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