Creatine/glutamine breakdown


New member
Any experts on this subject!

I know after about and hr of creatine sitting in water starts to breakdown and evntually become useless depending on how long left in water.

I usually mix my creatine and/or glutamine with hot chocolate!

My question is
Does the heat from the hot water speed up the breakdown of creatine!and does glutamine break down in the same way when left in water!

tase said:
Any experts on this subject!

I know after about and hr of creatine sitting in water starts to breakdown and evntually become useless depending on how long left in water.

I usually mix my creatine and/or glutamine with hot chocolate!

My question is
Does the heat from the hot water speed up the breakdown of creatine!and does glutamine break down in the same way when left in water!


Hot chocolate huh . . . . .Everything I've read doesn't indicate the heat breaking down the creatine or glutamine. My personal opinion would be to ditch the glutamine unless you are doing some major cutter and stiff lifting heavy.
Who is Mike Jones? said:
Hot chocolate huh . . . . .Everything I've read doesn't indicate the heat breaking down the creatine or glutamine. My personal opinion would be to ditch the glutamine unless you are doing some major cutter and stiff lifting heavy.
Thanks mike

PS.would you cycle creatine or take it constantly!
Creatine will not be effective once heated. You can't mix it with a hot beverage or else it will render it ineffective. Creatine can be cycled many ways. I prefer to take 20g spread out over the day at 5g a piece over 5 days (loading cycle). Then the remainder of the month, plus one additional month. So basically 2 months on, 1 month on. This is with creatine monohydrate I am talking about, not CE2 or CE3. After your loading phase of 5 days, you'd only need 3-5 grams a day taken immediately after working out with a high glycemic, low acidic drink.
Also, the glutamine should not be taken with your post-workout shake or else it will be fighting with the peptides in your whey protein for absorption.
I would ask macro or ulter. They run AF and would probably be the best guys to answer your question.

Maybe Doug as well.
jimdawg said:
Creatine will not be effective once heated. You can't mix it with a hot beverage or else it will render it ineffective. Creatine can be cycled many ways. I prefer to take 20g spread out over the day at 5g a piece over 5 days (loading cycle). Then the remainder of the month, plus one additional month. So basically 2 months on, 1 month on. This is with creatine monohydrate I am talking about, not CE2 or CE3. After your loading phase of 5 days, you'd only need 3-5 grams a day taken immediately after working out with a high glycemic, low acidic drink.

Hey jimdawg what, you just copy and paste that comment from an article from 10 years ago? I've never loaded creatine and have great results. About the hot chocolate thing, heat is a catalyst for everything, but your natural body heat is hotter than the chocolate so it won't be a problem.