Creatine Help


New member
I just started yesterday using NO2 Black along with GNC's Creatine Plus pill. It's 8 pills a day for the NO2 and 2 for the creatine, not counting vitamins. I drank a lot of water knowing creatine requires this seeing i've been on it before.

I got my first work out in also with the first day with the 2 suppl. Everything worked great. This morning though I went to go take a crap and I found a creatine pill in my poop!!! Haha i've never had this problem of not being able to digest creatine. Is it because of too much water intake or just the brand of creatine??? Or what else could it be?
IMO I would get take back the Creatine Plus and try to get some Kre-Alkalyn. I posted an informative thread about it if you need any info. I believe it is scientifcally the best and the best from personal use.

NO2 Black is the shit for overall gains. Any type of NO booste will get you size if you take it all day long like it says too. Some people just take it pre-workout and are missing out on the full benefit of nutriet transport 24/7. Definately stay on this like white on rice.
IMO I would get take back the Creatine Plus and try to get some Kre-Alkalyn. I posted an informative thread about it if you need any info. I believe it is scientifcally the best and the best from personal use.

based on what? other than its boolshit marketing

a pubmed search turns up exactly 0 results for kre-alkalyn.

whereas theres 2 decades of research on creatine mono showing its effectiveness.


Kre-alkalyn® supplementation has no beneficial effect on creatine-to-creatinine conversion rates.

Tallon MJ and Child R

University of Northumbria, Sport Sciences, Northumbria University, Northumberland Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, Department of Life Sciences, Kingston University, Penrhyn Rd, Kingston-upon-Thames, United Kingdom.

All American Pharmaceutical and Natural Foods Corp. (Billings, MT, USA) claim that Kre-alkalyn® (KA) a "Buffered" creatine, is 100% stable in stomach acid and does not convert to creatinine. In contrast, they also claim that creatine monohydrate (CM) is highly pH labile with more than 90% of the creatine converting to the degradation product creatinine in stomach acids. To date, no independent or university laboratory has evaluated the stability of KA in stomach acids, assessed its possible conversion to creatinine, or made direct comparisons of acid stability with CM.

This study examined whether KA supplementation reduced the rate of creatine conversion to creatinine, relative to commercially available CM (Creapure™). Creatine products were analyzed by an independent commercial laboratory using testing guidelines recommended by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). Each product was incubated in 900ml of pH 1 HCL at 37º +/- 1ºC and samples where drawn at 5, 30 and 120 minutes and immediately analyzed by HPLC (UV) for creatine and creatinine.

In contrast to the claims of All American Pharmaceutical and Natural Foods Corp., the rate of creatinine formation from CM was found to be less than 1% of the initial dose, demonstrating that CM is extremely stable under acidic conditions that replicate those of the stomach. This study also showed that KA supplementation actually resulted in 35% greater conversion of creatine to creatinine than CM. In conclusion the conversion of creatine to creatinine is not a limitation in the delivery of creatine from CM and KA is less stable than CM in the acid conditions of the stomach.
based on what? other than its boolshit marketing

a pubmed search turns up exactly 0 results for kre-alkalyn.

whereas theres 2 decades of research on creatine mono showing its effectiveness.


No clue where you got this from but it is interesting info. However how do you know its not false? I have been using KA for over 8months now cycling off and on and in my opinion it has worked better than CEE by far. Have you ever taken it?
Good old cheap creatine mono is the way to go, all the marketing bullshit and hype for other stuff does not make it better.
Bull shit

Good old cheap creatine mono is the way to go, all the marketing bullshit and hype for other stuff does not make it better.

Yes I would agree with you sometimes its hard not to get caught up in the bullshit marketing ploys ..:dunno::bsflag::bsflag:

No clue where you got this from but it is interesting info. However how do you know its not false? I have been using KA for over 8months now cycling off and on and in my opinion it has worked better than CEE by far. Have you ever taken it?

im taking the data at face value.

one of the authors of the study posted this on another forum

I am an author of the study an would like to address this point.

CR-Technologies does not sell a creatine product we are a company that sells delivery system for nutraceuticals of which one application is creatine.

I am and have worked for multiple companies that sell products which contain Creatine Ethyl ester (iSatori and Labrada to name just 2) products so if we where a biased company why would we release this data?

The facts are we have looked over many years at a host of products which may suit the application of our technology and the assessment of CEE and Kre-alkalyn where just a few of these. As such we thought the industry would be interested in the results given the nature of the outcome.

We would be happy to have used any creatine (cee or similar) with our delivery technology if the data would have come back differently. However, we found it not favorable, but that is science and you can only report the facts.

Additionally we had our results confirmed by an independent analytical lab and from which we did not touch the products. They where sent direct from the manufacture to the company incase any issues of product tampering where raised.

I hope you can now take the studies on face value.

Best Regards DOCT

im not a believer in the anecdotal experiences of others. people can convince themselves of anything if they want to. the placebo effect is a powerful phenomenon.

this isnt to say that KA is bunk, or that its not better than CM, but CM has been unequivocally proven effective, whereas KA has not. CM is also cheaper than dirt. I have at one point used every one of the half dozen variations of creatine, with none of the new varieties having any discernible advantage over CM.