

New member
Hey everyone, been working out for a while now atleast 3 times per week. Eating lots and taking protein shakes etc.

A friend of mine recommended I take creatine. Can someone tell me what creatine does?
When should I take it?
Difference between them and regular protein shakes etc.

Hey everyone, been working out for a while now atleast 3 times per week. Eating lots and taking protein shakes etc.

A friend of mine recommended I take creatine. Can someone tell me what creatine does?
When should I take it?
Difference between them and regular protein shakes etc.


There are many different types of creatine available. Ingeneral most creatines increase strength by increasing phosphocreatine levels which are used in ATP production. Unfortunately I am too lazy to tell you about every single different type out there. Popular types include Creatine Alpha Ketoglutarate, and Kre-alkalyn.
I also hear about people taking them before bed?

Depends on the creatine type monohydrate for instance is often loaded during the first 5 days. Requiring a shake in the morning and a shake PWO. Also requires an empty stomach. I think it will be a lot faster if you google this stuff your self. At any rate I am gonna bow out. I am too lazy to play 21 questions.