

i am off cycle right now and would like to jump on some creatine.what is a good brand i should use.

23 yrs old 6'2
240lbs 10%body fat
the CEE powder from the link in my sig.

you can buy the fancy mixes like CELLmass or NOexplode, but your just paying for advertising, pretty packaging, and really meaningless ingredients...the main and most important ingredient is the creatine.
Suareezay said:
you can buy the fancy mixes like CELLmass or NOexplode, but your just paying for advertising, pretty packaging, and really meaningless ingredients...the main and most important ingredient is the creatine.
Dude NO-Xplode is the shit.

have you ever tried it?
No-explode was pretty decent, but not for the price. I won't buy anymore.

Josh, I would go with a quality CEE like the one from trueprotein.
hannan420 said:
have you tried it stud?
i dont need to. I know whats in it.

I have my own homebrew pre workout cocktail that i drink an hour before a workout that does the same thing as any premade mix and i dont feel like a silly fuck walking out of GNC paying $40 for $8 worth of powder.
bro, i've tried noxplode. aside from the mega dose of stimulants, the product is garbage. way overprice for what you get. and the only thing with any quality to it in the product is the creatine- which if you do the math comes out to some ridiculous price per serving. like Suareezay said, why pay over $40 for a few dollars worth of actual product. as far as the no2 part of the mix, it does absolutely nothing as far as gaining mass or strength. in fact studies show that the long term use of products like this can be detrmential to your is a better choice to spend your money on somethin that is proven to work- like food, protein, more food. if you feel like you need an extra boost, good ole' coffee works just as well for about .05 a cup. cant beat that. if you have any more questions do a search- there are about a hundred threads debunking the whole no2-noexplode bandwagon.
Suareezay said:
i dont need to. I know whats in it.

I have my own homebrew pre workout cocktail that i drink an hour before a workout that does the same thing as any premade mix and i dont feel like a silly fuck walking out of GNC paying $40 for $8 worth of powder.
I'd try it before you go talking about it.

Who shops at GNC? haha I wouldn't step foot in that place.
hannan420 said:
I'd try it before you go talking about it.
trust me, starting out, i tried every product known to man...and none of them turned me into ronnie coleman. its all the same shit. like i said...why would i need to try NOexplode as if its going to revolutionize my workouts...i know whats in it. I already take everything pre workout thats worth taking.
if you mean from TP...just get them separate.

Youll get two separate containers. Then just measure out how much you need when your makin your shake. Its much easier than figuring out what percentage of a serving should be CEE and dextrose. Plus if you decide to change the amount of dextrose you use, you wont be wasting or not getting enough creatine.
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Suareezay said:
the CEE powder from the link in my sig.

you can buy the fancy mixes like CELLmass or NOexplode, but your just paying for advertising, pretty packaging, and really meaningless ingredients...the main and most important ingredient is the creatine.

cee=Creatine Ethyl Ester HCL at True Protein?
How does it taste not that it matters that much?
krupt said:
cee=Creatine Ethyl Ester HCL at True Protein?
How does it taste not that it matters that much?
yes CEE is Creatine Ehtyl Ester
the taste is horrible, but you get used to it. If you mix it in with your shake it hardly affects the flavor. What i do sometimes is put it in a little shot-glass sized bathroom cup, fil it up with water, and down it in one gulp. It tastes like concentrated Sprite that way.
CEE is NOTHING compared to green tea powder though. Once you can drink that straight (like me) you know your hardcore :tounge2:
2-3g CEE pre and post workout, and 80g of dextrose post workout. The dextrose is just a ballpark figure though, it depends on what meets your specific caloric needs. That works out to about a tsp of CEE, and im not sure about the dextrose. Probably 2-3 scoops...a digital scale always helps, thats what i use. Dont forget to go with a complex carb like oatmeal or maltodextrin about an hour preworkout. I also like to have a little whey and fruit about 15 minutes before the workout.
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