crimping a vial


New member
Im going to make my first batch of ethenate soon. I am going to keep it in a 30ml vial. As for sealing the vial, do I need to get myself a crimper? Or is there ways of putting the rubber stopper in and putting the metal ring over it and securing it without using one?
I wish i culd post a pic of this rubber stopper that i have that u insert into top of vial then thr rubber is pulled around the outer lip and fits very securely around the top. Dont know where my padna got em but damn theyre handy. Dont know if u can picture what im talkin about but hope it helps.

i think I know what your taking about. A stopper that also fits around almost like a condem. Anyone know where to get these?
Bro buy sealed vials and use a needle to put the oil in. Nobody crimps. You can buy a crimper for around $200 if you want, but then you still have to sterilize the vial. Also, you may even want to use smaller vials, I used a 50ml for my enanthate this time and 12mls into it I have rubber in my oil because I use an 18g to draw with. Now I have to re-filter and get a new vial.
Deadlift said:
Bro buy sealed vials and use a needle to put the oil in. Nobody crimps. You can buy a crimper for around $200 if you want, but then you still have to sterilize the vial. Also, you may even want to use smaller vials, I used a 50ml for my enanthate this time and 12mls into it I have rubber in my oil because I use an 18g to draw with. Now I have to re-filter and get a new vial.

I used 20ml vials for my fina, pulled out with 20g needle, that seemed to work fine. Maybe a bit raggedy the last few ml, but I think 20ml is perfect. 10ml is just too small, imo.
those big rubber stoppers are what i use. buy um in bulk. if the vial is sterile the final solution will be sterile after baking. those red stoppers hold up better than the small ones too. they are thicker. I also use a 20g to draw with. less trama to stopper and draws amost as good. heat solution just a bit before drawing and it flows very smooth, pushing and pulling.
pullinbig said:
those big rubber stoppers are what i use. buy um in bulk. if the vial is sterile the final solution will be sterile after baking. those red stoppers hold up better than the small ones too. they are thicker. I also use a 20g to draw with. less trama to stopper and draws amost as good. heat solution just a bit before drawing and it flows very smooth, pushing and pulling.

Ok, I got a question, if the vials are sterile, they should already be capped, right? Or do you rip off the cap and put your own on when finished?

And if they aren't capped, how the hell are they sterile?

And what happens if you buy just plain old vials and caps separately? Is there anything special you have to do to both the caps and the vials? Or is this all sorted out when you heat the final solution?

Ok, so maybe that was more than one question. :)
here's what i do. I need to start charging you guys but since i am a nice guy.......

i use 150ml vials uncapped. a litle methanol kills that pesky bacteria, unlike BA. bake in the oven for an hour at 300f. place foil over te bottles as soon as you cut the oven off. after they cool some i filter directly into those with no needle on filter and my solution is nice and warm while filtering to make filtering even easier. i use a 20ml syringe. takes about 15 minutes to filter 150ml. i immediately cap with above mentioned stopper. put it back in the oven at 280f for a full hour. its sterile and ready to go. this method saves time and you can reuse the big vials. after baking i move the final solution into capped vials for administration.
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yeah send me some samples (big samples to show you gratitude) and ill let you know. i like tren and cyp. mmmmm mmmmmmmm good.
pullinbig said:
yeah send me some samples (big samples to show you gratitude) and ill let you know. i like tren and cyp. mmmmm mmmmmmmm good.

its the least he can do. :D
Bimmer said:
its the least he can do. :D

thats what i was thinking. from now on i'll be the inspector (QA Dept.). send me the samples and ill test them for you. and you know what? i'l do it for free. cant beat that deal wiff a sticky. course you pay shipping. :eek: