critique diet and or make some changes


New member
As of last week i wrote this plan out
Due to my physical demanding job it seems I am maintaing my weight question is should I drop the 1.5 cups of.rice post workout.meal and just stick with the whole bagel? And add more fats into meals 2-3 like some nuts or something to fill the void of the 1.5 cups of rice? And add some more fats on top to get my calories up instead of adding in carbs?
So pre workout will still be 1.5 cups brown rice, post workout will just be a whole bagel then
Meals 4/5 pre and post workout
Options here Bros Thanks
Current weight 210lbs at 5'11
Tdee 3100
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As of last week i wrote this plan out
Due to my physical demanding job it seems I am maintaing my weight question is should I drop the 1.5 cups of.rice post workout.meal and just stick with the whole bagel? And add more fats into meals 2-3 like some nuts or something to fill the void of the 1.5 cups of rice? And add some more fats on top to get my calories up instead of adding in carbs?
So pre workout will still be 1.5 cups brown rice, post workout will just be a whole bagel then
Meals 4/5 pre and post workout
Options here Bros Thanks
Current weight 210lbs at 5'11
Tdee 3100

don't you have an almost identical thread already started.
,Yes but couldn't find it sorry
I take in 3-4 cups of steamed.veggies ed, meal 2-3-4-6
Should I cancell out the 1.5 cups rice post workout or leave it in and or.add.a.bannah with the bagel acting.carbs post workout and cancell out the 1.5 cups white rice, and just add more.fats in meals 2-3? To up my cals a bit more
How does the macro.content I want to try to.stay lean as possible adding some.size
On 1g test,.added in tren a this 300mg/week
Might up the tren to I love it and no bad
My protein intake is fairly high.and that's just counting obviously just the protein sources not the protein in the bagel, rice and such,.so.peanuts.are fairly cheap here and obviously high in cals, should I add some.nuts in the mix to up the cals?
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Obviously.on.a.daily's.not be 100percent acurate obvious I.need more cals cause right now after I week I weigh the same weight bro varies.but I.slug furniture all day long( mover), so.I guess I need to up the cals then I goto the gym.and spend at least an hour there
So.I burn.more.then in obviously
Just need to know if I should add.more as I do better on Higher fats and carbs set for pre/post workout that's it
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