Critique first time PH


New member
Hi guys long time lurker first time poster....

I am looking to undertake my first ever PH Cycle as I believe I have reached a stage in my training where I would like to take it to the next level. As a bit of background I have been training roughly 5 years and am currently 91kg and 13% bf.

For my first cycle I am thinking a Halladrol cycle.


Above Maintenance Calories - 3500
Protein 300g per day
4 Litres Water


Layne Nortons Phat Training plus 2 days low intensity cardio

Cycle Plan:

Week 0 (Pre Load)

CEL Assist

Week 1 -5 (Cycle)

Halladrol 50/50/75/75/75
Cel Assist
Fish Oil
Multi Vitamin

Week 6 - 10 (post cycle therapy (pct))

Nolva 40/20/20/20/20
Cel Assist
Fish Oil
Multi Vitamin
D Aspartic Acid

I am curious as to your thoughts relating to:

My Helladrol dosing? Is it sufficient? Too much? Too little? should I add a 6th week?

Does my post cycle therapy (pct) look sufficient? Too long?

Is CEL Cycle Assist sufficient for on cycle support?

How does my plan look overall?

All assistance greatly appreciated..... :)
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Helladrol? Run for 6 weeks. You could do 75/75/75/100/100/125 for your first cycle. Run some forma stanzol in your pct. It's up to you but I'd also replace nolva with clomid since nolva won't bring back your hpta. Halo will shut you down
looks like a solid setup.if you get a chance to log it that would be great or give us a final review or updates to see how the cycle works out for you