Critique my next cycle, try not to hurt me


New member
I am 30 yrs old, 5'10", 180 lbs. Diet is pretty good. My first cycle was 250/wk of Sustanon (sust) for 8 weeks, 25mg ed of dbol weeks 1-4, 14iu of slin post workout weeks 8-now. This will be my second cycle. My goal (of course) is lean mass.

Week 1 to 16: .5mg of liqua-dex EOD
Week 1 to 15: 300ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every 5th day
Week 1: 1000mg QV test Enanth
Week 2 to 10: 500mg QV test Enanth (should I bake it?)
Week 1 to 6: 25mg of Reforvit-B D-bol ED
Week 7 to 12: 75mg of Tren EOD (home made)
Week 13 to 15: Clomid
Week 12 to ?: 14iu of slin post workout

Tell me what you think.
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Sounds like way to much shit for a second cycle! Are you wanting to bulk or cut you have such a diverse grouping of sauce that you should either bulk, then in a few months cut up!
Just my 2 cc's
Bro do 750mg the first day, then do you regulas shceduled injections. You don't need d-bol for 6 week, you don't really need to frontload with d-bol either, but that's up to you. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) do 500iu 2 consecutive days a week starting in week 3. You could go 8 weeks with the fina, but why add eq and save the fina for down the road.

JohnnyB said:
Bro do 750mg the first day, then do you regulas shceduled injections. You don't need d-bol for 6 week, you don't really need to frontload with d-bol either, but that's up to you. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) do 500iu 2 consecutive days a week starting in week 3. You could go 8 weeks with the fina, but why add eq and save the fina for down the road.


Always beating me too it bro

yup now need for dbol for 6 weeks or the frontload at a1 gram/wk.

750 for the first week is perfect.
Good luck bro
I would just do 500mg of test all the way through. I would save the tren for another cycle. D-bol is good for 6 weeks. The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is ok, I would take either 500ius every 5 days or 300ius a day for 2 days followed by 5 days off.
I would drop the slin at the end
keep the tren in
up the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to 500 iu
If your looking for lean mass I would go with

Week 1-10 Test enanthate 500mg ew
Week 1-4 Dboll 25mg ed
Week 12-15 clomid/nolva
Hcg as you want
Use A-dex or L-dex at .25mg ed
test 500mg
eq 600mg

thier you have it, lean mass. Keep the diet tight, and a little adex and you should be fine. I am not sure how well people stay lean on slin, but i am sure some do it.
Lots of good advice, thanks.

The slin I used after the last cycle and I really think it helped keep gains.

Why do some think I should drop the tren?