Critique my split nerdz


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I have two different routines that are both separated with a day off. They go a little like this...

Day: 1 Chest/Triceps

Incline Hammer Press
Incline Dumbbell Press
Flat Dumbbell flyes
Fst-7 cable flyes
Pullovers or dips

Tricep Pulldowns
Close grip bench
Fst-7 Machine Dips
(for better tricep isolation)

Day 2: Back/Bicep

Close grip pulldown
Underhand Hammer pulldown
Rack pulls or Deadlifts
Wide grip seated cable Row
Dumbbell Rows
Fst-7 Nautilus Machine Row

Incline Dumbbell curls
Fst-7 Ez barbell curls

Day 3: Shoulders/Traps

Seated Military Press
Seated Lateral Raises
Dumbbell Front Raises
Fst-7 Shoulder press machine
Reverse Cable Flyes
Bent over raises

Dumbbell Shrugs
Barbell Shrugs

Day 4: Legs/calves

Leg extension
Leg press
Walking Lunges
Hamstring curl
Straight legged dead lifts

Various Calve machines

Day 5: off

Day 6: Chest

Flat bench
Incline bench
Incline flyes
Flat Hammer machine
Pec dec
Incline cable Flyes

Day 7: Back

Reverse grip pulldowns
Wide grip hammer pulldowns
Barbell Rows
Seated Cable rows v grip
T bar rows
Hammer Rows
Rope pulldowns/hyper extensions

Day 8: Arms

Triceps pressdown
machine dips
Incline tricep extension
Two hand overhead dumbbell extension
Tricep Machine

Machine preacher curls
Dumbbell Curls
Barbell Curls
Concentration Curls
Two hand cable curls

Day 9: Shoulders/Traps

Wide grip upright rows (emphasize side delt)
Side laterals
Dumbbell press
Barbell front raises
Reverse pec dec
Face pulls with a rope
Iso lateral side delt machine

barbell shrugs

Day 10: legs
Same routine as Day 4

Day 11: off

Each exercise performed is 3-4 sets 6-12 reps
looks good. One of the few routines people post that actually incorporate working out legs.

Dont forget to eat big.
chyeahh man thanks. My legs, mainly my quads, are my pride and joy :bootyshak:bootyshak

always gotta eat big or you'll never grow!