Critique needed - Test e cycle without HcG??? Help needed with PCT.


Let me know your thoughts on my fifth cycle that I am going to start soon. My first cycle was test e only (500mg/week), second cycle was test e (500mg/week) with dbol added, third cycle was test e (500mg/week) with npp (150mg/EOD) and dbol added, fourth cycle was test prop and tren. All went well but I have experienced a couple weeks of pretty bad lethargy about a week into PCT. I'm 43 years old, 6'3", 200lbs.

I have read some opinions saying that I should not use HcG at all and should add HCGenerate ES and cardarine and ostarine to my PCT. Any thoughts on this?

Week 1-12: Test E 250mg E3D
Week 1-6: Dbol 50mg/day
Week 5-14: HcG 500iu/week or 350 iu twice/week or none at all?????
Week 1-14: Aromasin 12.5mg EOD OR 10mg ED. Increase if experiencing gyno symptoms.
Week 15-17: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week 15-17: Clomid 50/50/25/25
Week 15-17: Creatine (10g/day)
Week 15-17: Vit C (1g in morning and 1-2 g after workout)
Week 1-14: Taurine 2g/day (if experiencing muscle cramps)
Week 1-14: Milk thistle 1000mg/day
Week 1-14: Hawthorn berry extract 1000mg/day
Week 1-14: Alpha Lipoic acid 200mg/day
Week 1-14: Liv52-DS 6 pills/day
Week 1-14: NAC 1200mg/day
FOR PCT add - HcGenerate ES and cardarine and ostarine.
Let me know your thoughts on my fifth cycle that I am going to start soon. My first cycle was test e only (500mg/week), second cycle was test e (500mg/week) with dbol added, third cycle was test e (500mg/week) with npp (150mg/EOD) and dbol added, fourth cycle was test prop and tren. All went well but I have experienced a couple weeks of pretty bad lethargy about a week into PCT. I'm 43 years old, 6'3", 200lbs.

I have read some opinions saying that I should not use HcG at all and should add HCGenerate ES and cardarine and ostarine to my PCT. Any thoughts on this?

Week 1-12: Test E 250mg E3D
Week 1-6: Dbol 50mg/day
Week 5-14: HcG 500iu/week or 350 iu twice/week or none at all?????
Week 1-14: Aromasin 12.5mg EOD OR 10mg ED. Increase if experiencing gyno symptoms.
Week 15-17: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week 15-17: Clomid 50/50/25/25
Week 15-17: Creatine (10g/day)
Week 15-17: Vit C (1g in morning and 1-2 g after workout)
Week 1-14: Taurine 2g/day (if experiencing muscle cramps)
Week 1-14: Milk thistle 1000mg/day
Week 1-14: Hawthorn berry extract 1000mg/day
Week 1-14: Alpha Lipoic acid 200mg/day
Week 1-14: Liv52-DS 6 pills/day
Week 1-14: NAC 1200mg/day
FOR PCT add - HcGenerate ES and cardarine and ostarine.

That looks pretty good. Exhaustive list of supplements. Only things I'd question are the Test E is it E3D or E3.5D? If E3D then I'd probably wait one more week to PCT, i.e. start it week #16. If E3.5D two weeks off is probably ok, but I might bump up the PCT to five weeks.

Leave the ostarine out of PCT, it can shut you down.

Don't leave out the HCG. It is cheap and effective, and will give a slight test boost too.

If you can get that Asin dose down to 6.25 ED that would be marginally better than 12.5 EOD. It has a short half life.

Your liver and blood pressure should do well with those supps, be sure to get baseline blood testing and do it again at about 6 weeks, then at 12 weeks. If you want to see your actual test level get the LC-MS version, the standard will only show >1,500.
That looks pretty good. Exhaustive list of supplements. Only things I'd question are the Test E is it E3D or E3.5D? If E3D then I'd probably wait one more week to PCT, i.e. start it week #16. If E3.5D two weeks off is probably ok, but I might bump up the PCT to five weeks.

Leave the ostarine out of PCT, it can shut you down.

Don't leave out the HCG. It is cheap and effective, and will give a slight test boost too.

If you can get that Asin dose down to 6.25 ED that would be marginally better than 12.5 EOD. It has a short half life.

Your liver and blood pressure should do well with those supps, be sure to get baseline blood testing and do it again at about 6 weeks, then at 12 weeks. If you want to see your actual test level get the LC-MS version, the standard will only show >1,500.

Thanks Tankman. I have read that ostarine is not suppressive when used for less than 4 weeks at 25 milligrams (mg) per day, or less. After doing some more reading I'm considering the following PCT (sorry but I'm not completely disregarding your feedback, just still unsure if HcG is necessary and if I should add Asin all the way through my PCT:
Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Aromasin 5mg EOD
HcGen ES 5 tabs ED
cardarine GW 20mg/day (10mg AM 10mg PM)
Ostarine 10mg/day
You are getting some bad advice about not using HCG, about using an AI during PCT, and about ostarine not being suppressive.

Your PCT is already light at four weeks and low dosages, it may end up a bust if you also use the AI and sarm - or don't wait long enough for the test E to clear before starting.
Best for you to read the beginners cycle sticky thread at the top of the forum so you can read for yourself that HCG is a must for cycles and not for pct.
Have you reformulated your cycle brother? Tankman knows whats hes talking so please listen to him. please keep us posted!