Hello my name is jason,
iv read countless stickies and threads about the use of AAS on many bodybuilding forums.
I am 24 years old,
5’6 or 167cm
163lb or 74kg
8 -9% BF
I feel i am ready to begin my first AAS cycle.
I would like your advice on my cycle as many of you really know your stuff and id like everything to work out perfectly.
This is what I have on hand.
Test 300 blend (100mg test p. 100mg test E. 100mg test C) 20ml.
(I know this is not best for first cycle, I would have liked enanthate but I don’t have access to it).
liquidex (armidex)
Week 1-11 150mg of test 300 every second day.
week 13 - 17 clomid everyday 50/50/50/50
week 13 - 17 nolva everyday 20/20/10/10
How does that sound ? PLEASE feel free to critique this.
As this I my first cycle I would like to put the least amount of drugs in my body as possible so I can learn what sides I am getting from what, which brings me to my next question.
Should I run the armidex throughout the entire cycle or should I just keep it on hand incase symptoms of gyno appear ? (for some reason gyno is my greatest fear as a side effect from AAS).
I look forward to hearing your replies and I really appreciate the help.
iv read countless stickies and threads about the use of AAS on many bodybuilding forums.
I am 24 years old,
5’6 or 167cm
163lb or 74kg
8 -9% BF
I feel i am ready to begin my first AAS cycle.
I would like your advice on my cycle as many of you really know your stuff and id like everything to work out perfectly.
This is what I have on hand.
Test 300 blend (100mg test p. 100mg test E. 100mg test C) 20ml.
(I know this is not best for first cycle, I would have liked enanthate but I don’t have access to it).
liquidex (armidex)
Week 1-11 150mg of test 300 every second day.
week 13 - 17 clomid everyday 50/50/50/50
week 13 - 17 nolva everyday 20/20/10/10
How does that sound ? PLEASE feel free to critique this.
As this I my first cycle I would like to put the least amount of drugs in my body as possible so I can learn what sides I am getting from what, which brings me to my next question.
Should I run the armidex throughout the entire cycle or should I just keep it on hand incase symptoms of gyno appear ? (for some reason gyno is my greatest fear as a side effect from AAS).
I look forward to hearing your replies and I really appreciate the help.