Currently bulking and planning to continue or not recommended?


New member
Hi Everyone,

I'm currently on my 9th week cycle of bulking.

Currently using Test Prop Test Enanthate

Weeks 1 - 10 = 300mg Enanthate (Mondays and Fridays)
Weeks 1 - 10 = 100mg Propionate (Mondays and Fridays.

I'm planning to extend the my bulking for 5 more weeks then PCT
Could I use Tren and Test Enanthate or Tren and Test Prop for Weeks 11-15?
Adding also if I could use Winstrol for Weeks 11-15?

What can you recommend PCT if I'll be adding weeks 11-15? thanks!

Sorry kinda new here.

Edited[Stats as of now]

5'11 ft in height
176lbs in weight
15-17% body fat
Last edited:
How old are you?

Why are you running Prop and E at the same time?

Why are you only pinning Prop twice a week when it has a short ester?

Are you using and AI or hCG?

What was your original plan for PCT? Let's see that and then we can help determine if it needs to be adjusted.

Which ester of Tren would you be using? Do you have a Dopamine Agonist? What other compounds have you run before? Where is your E2 coming in at on your current cycle. You don't want to add another conpound if you have not dialed in your E2.

Is the 176 lbs your current weight or pre-bulk weight? You are pretty low on the muscle mass given your height and body fat %. It sounds like you are not eating enough or the right things. Maybe tell us what your diet macros are.
Hi Megatron28

Currently turning 23.

It was recommended to me by a friend who is into bodybuilding/competes.

No for both.

for PCT was planning go around 2 weeks of takingnothing and let the testosterone begin to clear out
Then 2 weeks Nolvadex 40mg per day, then 2 Nolvadex 20mg per day

176 lbs is my current weight, was around 155-160 before.
Hi Megatron28

Currently turning 23.

It was recommended to me by a friend who is into bodybuilding/competes.

No for both.

for PCT was planning go around 2 weeks of takingnothing and let the testosterone begin to clear out
Then 2 weeks Nolvadex 40mg per day, then 2 Nolvadex 20mg per day

176 lbs is my current weight, was around 155-160 before.

You are too young to use AAS. Your endocrine system is still developing. You should not be using AAS.

Your friend is giving your bad advice about how to run a cycle. He doesn't understand how esters work for example. For example, Prop needs to be pinned at least every other day.

Your PCT is lacking. It is missing Clomid.

Have you checked your estradiol? Without an AI there is a good chance it is elevated. High estradiol is bad for men.

hCG would keep your testicles from atrophying which in turn would help your HPTA recover after your cycle.
Hi Megatron28,

Thanks for the info, so it would be much better if I took the Test P every EOD? I'll just finished the cycle then clean up for a while.
Is it advisable if I could finish the cycle within 15 weeks? Is it advisable to change the Cycle as of now if possible?

I'll be having a medical check up again in the week so I'll check if it's normal ( I did have a medical check up before using it).
Letting a doctor check your blood work on cycle is a bad idea. Do you really want AAS usage listed in your medical record? Read the link below in my signature for info on how to get private blood work.

The less time you spend on cycle the less your HPTA is suppressed. So ending it now vs. extending it would give your HPTA a better chance of recovery.

Test P EOD is absolutely much better. research Halflives and esters. Time to learn about AAS if you are going to us it. It helps if you understand how things work.
I read about that the time of Test P was around 2-3 days?
The terminal half-life is around a day. You want to keep your hormones on a nice, steady level - not bouncing up and down. If your gear is legit, I can't imagine the amount of bloat you're getting from a poor injection protocol combined with a lack of an AI.

Just because someone competes or looks the part does NOT mean they have a clue how the stuff works. Just means that they have the genetics combined with likely a good diet and training ethic to get there.