Cut or Bulk?


New member
Hi guys... looking to get bigger, and cut. So far.. I'm currently on a cut trying to get my pot belly down... I'm not really fat anywhere else apart from the belly..

It's been really hard to get the belly down.. and I'm struggling with it. But I'm doing at least 30 - 45 mins of cardio everyday and watching the diet.. I'm trying a keto diet atmo.

Do you think i should continue to cut to get the bodyfat down some more or bulk? I'm guessing probably to continue to get bf% down some more?

Here's is the stage I'm at (pics below)

Pic1 - with belly completely relaxed
View attachment 546495

Pic2 - Kind of semi tensed sucked in
View attachment 546496

Pic 3 - Where i would like the belly to be at.. obviously with less fat and abs showing through
View attachment 546497

Pic 4- Front view
View attachment 546498

Also.. are there any drugs that can help with my goal?

Let me know what ya'll think

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Start incorporating some weight and core exercises into your routine. Putting on some size on your chest and shoulders will help tighten up some of your loose skin, and give a more toned look.
you really need more core excersizes, put a lot more strain and strength training on your abs and you will see results in a year-6 months