Cutting cycle after a bad experience with previous cycle


New member
Hi all, cutting a long story short im one week into a current lean bulk/ cut cycle.

Around 6 months ago i went onto Test E 150mg per week + Tren E 400mg per week cycle expecting some good solid gains with the use of 3Js diet coaching. 5 weeks in i didn't see any major signs of having that much tren in me so i got a little worried and had my blood work done. The results came back with an elevated test serum level but no test could directly tell if the tren was real so instead the clinic look for "signs of tren" to which i exhibited 1 or 2 symptoms (anger and strength). It was safe to say the tren was either fake or severely under dosed ( i used rohm labs) as i didn't make any proper gains despite having my diet and training on point. by week 9 i lost all motivation and ended it early and ran my pct. from that point my diet down spiraled for a month of so but recently i got my diet back in check and got some gear by infiniti labs.

current stats:
age 24
weight 90kg
bf %15-17 approx
training split: mon wed fri weight training, tues thur sat kickboxing

My current cycle is as follows for 10 weeks;

Infiniti one rip ( 50mg tren ace, 50mg test p, 50mg masteron per ml)

infinite test E 250mg per ml

Monday = 1ml one rip/ 0.5ml test E

Wed = 1ml one rip

Fri = 1ml one rip/ 0.5ml test E

Weekly total = Tren A 150mg
Test P 150mg
Test E 250mg
Masteron 150mg

Is it normal to be shoot 2x 125mg of test e or is it best to shoot 250mg once a week? im considering upping the dose of test e but i'll play it by ear for now.

I have faith in this gear as i got in from a friend who has just used the same stack but with a higher test E dose and he has made some really good gains.

I have all the usual planned for pct (clomid and hcg) with nolva on hand for any Gyno issues ( caber is too hard to come by in the uk as there's no underground source, only prescription supplied)

i used a similar cutting stack in the past called "lean gain" to compliment a test cycle and it a good difference despite only using a small dose of it.

what do you guys think of the plan? I have to say i felt it kick in within a few days, things like anger, broken sleep and increase libido, stength seems on the increase. how long do these compounds usually take to "kick in" as ive never used short esters.
Have you experienced Tren before ? yes then try this
Up your Test to 400mg wk
Tren A @ week total 300mg
split all injected long esters

Check calorie intake

Workouts must be intense low reps for ultimate failure 6-8 reps after warm up
With side effect of insomnia get more sleep
yeh ive used tren A,E and hex in the past but low doses. i cant up the tren as the one rip is pre mixed at a 50/50/50 split so id have to up the prop and masteron too
Quick update. my first shot was 3 weeks ago today. Aggression kicked in within a few days of starting. Strength is on the increase and a few people are noticing that my shoulders have thickened up. I've never really ran multiple short esters before but i heard the "kick in" period of noticing gains is around week 3/4? i know with longer esters like enanthate i usually see the gains around week 6/7 so im considering extending this cycle to 12 weeks and POSSIBLY upping the dosage of Test E or the short ester mix to 1.5ml @ 3 weekly shots.