Cutting Cycle prop/winny or var/ clen


New member
hi guys i am planning to do a cutting cycle i am 5'10" 180 pounds %10bf i have done about 4-5 cycle in the past my most recent cycle was a prop only cycle at 500-600mg p/w

my goal is to cut up as i dont want to get any bigger and minimize water retention during the cycle as much as possible without hurting my joints

my cycle will be
week 1-8 test prop 100mg eod
week 1-8 Anavar (var) or Winstrol (winny) (injectable) at 50mg ed
week 1-8 adex 0.25 eod
week 2-7 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 300iu every 4th day
wekk 7-8 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 1000iu ed
week 8-12 nolva 40/40/20/02
clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off

my diet is spot on! i will drop calories 100 every week and increase cardio at same time but slowly.

I have few questions regarding winny.. the main reason i am considering it is to keep water retention to a minimum as i mentioned above. but will it do that if i run it eod or even 36hours? the problem is i cannot run it ed because my test prop is 50mg/ml which means i will have to shoot 3ml's ed (2ml prop + 1ml winny) and i dont have enough sites to do so. or is it better to shoot eod and drink it on the days i dont shoot it?

my other question is how bad is with hair loss i mean test 500mg per week is fine for me but heavy stuff like tren make me shed like crazy

or should i just run Anavar (var) instead of Winstrol (winny) i already have 100 x 10mg pills and can get more at a good price..
8 weeks of winstrol ed is gonna cause you some joint pains my friend. if you using to counter water retention, diet... drinking more water... and cardio will take care of that.

why an 8 week test cycle? why prop? why clen?

clen doesn't do shit but it will fuck up your cardiovascular system. clen ill not burn fat. you can lean-out with a clean diet.

ok will use Anavar (var) instead. i use prop because i can get pharmaceutical grade and i love prop. i have used clen in the past and had good results with it so i wanted to use it again
1-8 test prop (keep test levels up on Anavar (var) )
1-8 aromasin (control water weight and estrogen levels)
1-8 Anavar (var) (hardness and control food intake)
1-8 eca stack EOD(better and cheaper then clen)

nizoral 2% 2x times a day
Minoxidil 15% & Azelaic Acid 5% from pefect image
Saw palmetto, stinging nettle root and green tea for dht blockers.
be careful with clen... 3 weeks ago i wound up in the cardiac unit @ hospital with arrhythmia due to "stimulants"... otherwise perfect healthy heart. it comes down to risk vs reward... and clen just isn't worth it.

cool... i never run prop, i guess 8 weeks of prop is = 10 weeks enanthate... approx.

add clomid 50mgs ed and aramosin to post cycle therapy (pct). aramosin will increase test production while keeping estro in check. start at 12.5mg ed and then 25mg's ed depending on how your body responds.

Anavar (var) for 8 weeks is gonna tax the liver... you need maybe do Anavar (var) for 6 weeks and take liver support as well.

prop is great if you dont mind pinning alot i like how u can stop the cycle and jump into pct straight away in case acne breakout or hair loss and starts working very quickly too

ok thx for the advice mate, first time will be using hcg.. does it look good to u?