hi guys i am planning to do a cutting cycle i am 5'10" 180 pounds %10bf i have done about 4-5 cycle in the past my most recent cycle was a prop only cycle at 500-600mg p/w
my goal is to cut up as i dont want to get any bigger and minimize water retention during the cycle as much as possible without hurting my joints
my cycle will be
week 1-8 test prop 100mg eod
week 1-8 Anavar (var) or Winstrol (winny) (injectable) at 50mg ed
week 1-8 adex 0.25 eod
week 2-7 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 300iu every 4th day
wekk 7-8 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 1000iu ed
week 8-12 nolva 40/40/20/02
clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
my diet is spot on! i will drop calories 100 every week and increase cardio at same time but slowly.
I have few questions regarding winny.. the main reason i am considering it is to keep water retention to a minimum as i mentioned above. but will it do that if i run it eod or even 36hours? the problem is i cannot run it ed because my test prop is 50mg/ml which means i will have to shoot 3ml's ed (2ml prop + 1ml winny) and i dont have enough sites to do so. or is it better to shoot eod and drink it on the days i dont shoot it?
my other question is how bad is with hair loss i mean test 500mg per week is fine for me but heavy stuff like tren make me shed like crazy
or should i just run Anavar (var) instead of Winstrol (winny) i already have 100 x 10mg pills and can get more at a good price..
my goal is to cut up as i dont want to get any bigger and minimize water retention during the cycle as much as possible without hurting my joints
my cycle will be
week 1-8 test prop 100mg eod
week 1-8 Anavar (var) or Winstrol (winny) (injectable) at 50mg ed
week 1-8 adex 0.25 eod
week 2-7 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 300iu every 4th day
wekk 7-8 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 1000iu ed
week 8-12 nolva 40/40/20/02
clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
my diet is spot on! i will drop calories 100 every week and increase cardio at same time but slowly.
I have few questions regarding winny.. the main reason i am considering it is to keep water retention to a minimum as i mentioned above. but will it do that if i run it eod or even 36hours? the problem is i cannot run it ed because my test prop is 50mg/ml which means i will have to shoot 3ml's ed (2ml prop + 1ml winny) and i dont have enough sites to do so. or is it better to shoot eod and drink it on the days i dont shoot it?
my other question is how bad is with hair loss i mean test 500mg per week is fine for me but heavy stuff like tren make me shed like crazy
or should i just run Anavar (var) instead of Winstrol (winny) i already have 100 x 10mg pills and can get more at a good price..