Cutting cycle with susta/dbol/deca


New member
Hi everyone

I've finished couple of bulking cycles now and its time to cut down some fat.

Age: 25
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 180lbs
Bf%: my guess would be 15% ish

This is what I was planning:

Weeks 1-4 --- dbol 20mg ED
Weeks 1-12 --- Susta 500mg/w 8 (two pins a week)
Weeks 1-10 --- Deca 300mg/w
Weeks 8-12 --- dbol 20mg ED
Weeks 3-12 --- Aromatase inhibitor (AI), will be named later

PCT with clomid and nolva

I would appreciate any suggestions, advice and comments of any kind, Im still wondering wether I should take deca or not. I know these are not considered as normal cutting gear but this is what I have.

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i would rethink your whole cycle brother... Sustanon (sust) is going to give you a good amount of water retention just to start... why not think about a test prop or a test cyp