cutting cycle


New member
Hey guys...i need some help here,i was thinking to do a nice cutting cycle...this is the program

WEEK 1-9:Tren ace 100 mg (3 times a week)
WEEK 1-9:Test prop 100 mg (3 times a week)
WEEK 4-10:Winstrol oral 50 mg every day include weekends

AND for post cycle therapy (pct) : clomid 300 mg day1,200 mg day 2,100mg day 3, 50 mg day 4-14
Nolva:40 mg daY 1-7,20 mg day 8-14

It's ok this cycle;;

I'm 21 y.o and i trained 6 years with martial arts and 5 years at stats is : 1'76 CM , 84 Kg..
Is this your first cycle? If so I definitely recommend agains Tren. Also, injections with Tren Ace need to be done every day, and Test prop should be done every other day. This is going to require A LOT of injections. Do not buy into any other info about doing EOD Tren Ace shots, it's a terrible idea.
If you want to cut, learn how to diet.