Cutting Diet - How is this On and OFF AAS?


New member
My goal is to cut body fat (getting a head start for summer time)
currently im off aas. so i wanted to see if i can get some bf dropped naturally. and then i'll go on aas. so i was looking for advice both for NOW and when i start test cycle in next month or so...
my maintenance is 3000 right now so i figure 2500 is a GOOD number to cut with. right now diet needs a few more cals BUT i didn't add them yet because i THINK the fats might be too low? im just looking for some input here?

also when i go ON cycle, what is different: do i need MORE calories EVEN when cutting OR do i eat maintenance or MORE?

appreciate the trying

Meal 1)
Egg Whites (6oz)
Oatmeal (mixed with protein powder) (1cup)
52pro/60carb/0fat = 448CAL

Meal 2)
P W/O: Shake and Quick Carbs (dextrose)
50pro/40carb/0fat =360 CAL

Meal 3)
Tuna (1 6oz can)
Long Grain Brown Rice (.5 cup)
Green Beans (2cup)
42pro/36carb/0fat = 348CAL

Meal 4)
Chicken (7oz)
Sweet Potato (6oz)
42pro/36carb/0fat = 312CAL

Meal 5)
Chicken (7oz)
Asparagus (10 Spears)
42pro/10carb/0fat =208CAL

Meal 6)
Salmon (7oz)
Spinach (2 cup)
Low Fat vinaigrette dressing (70g)
42pro/18carb/23fat = 447 CAL

Protein: 270
Carb: 206
Fat: 28 (with fish pills)
Uhh, i'll be tastes like ASS

but if i can put up with shit foods for a couple months my summer is going to KICK ASS being ripped!!! lol

chicken and salmon is in the foreman grill right now (will bbq in the summer) and sometimes i use missdash seasoning...

tuna i think i NEED to mix in a tablespoon of relish for taste to down it..i use some water to down it also! im not a fish liking person ATALL!

Eggs i make an omlette or hard boil and eat the whites that way?!
Eat your fats earlier in the day & your last meal of the day should have no carbs. Add abit more protien to each meal also. Dont be afraid to break down 2 of those meals & end up eating 7-8 meals a day gettin cut. Buy the egg whites in a carton, easier to measure out what you need. Mrs dash is good shit, butter budds, & salt free alt is decent shit, just go sparingly with it. I personally dont trip on sodium too much during the summer being here in the desert.
Eat your fats earlier in the day & your last meal of the day should have no carbs.

Why do you suggest eating the fats earlier on in the day?
Would it not make more sense to save the majority of them them towards the end of the day to keep you feeling fuller?