Cutting diet Opinion...


New member
Hey all been on here for years just reading, not really posting, just back from holiday and trying to get back into it, this is routine diet, what u reckon? or where needs inprovement, i got one them foreman grills cooking up all my meat on that now, weighin in at about 105kgs or 230pounds, at around 13% bf , 6,4"

5:30 wake up, clen and animal cuts
6:00 30mins on cycle
6:45 1 cup oats blended with 2 scoops casein protein & 1tblsp natural peanut butter
10:00 wheat wrap with large chicken breast, hommus tomato, lettuce, onion
12:00 Bannana and protein shake
1:00 weight session
2:00 Protein shake + waxy maize
4:30 wheat wrap with large chicken breast, hommus tomato, lettuce, onion
7:30 Lean beef / chicken / pork & vegetables
9:30 Casein protein shake

Why the Casein in the AM? I would go with Whey? Not sure about the calories in there but seems WAY low for a 230lb dude? Save the banana for post workout and throw in an apple preworkout instead. What are you total calories?
Dunno casein in morn, was gonna change back to wpi/wpc blend when get some more, not sure how many calories in total, im never hungry, always satisfied, just trying to cut and also add bit of size back on that lost while was away for now...

what about the waxy maize post work out instead of banana or both ?
Both postworkout.....Whey in the A.M. no doubt.....calories are important to reach goals...write it all down for a day and see where your at.
Agreed, you definitely want the whey in the morning. Your muscles are hungry for protein and casein is slow digesting. Also I'd be careful with the pork since you are cutting. Definitely putting the macros for the entire diet will be helpful so you can gage where you'er at.
Hey all been on here for years just reading, not really posting, just back from holiday and trying to get back into it, this is routine diet, what u reckon? or where needs inprovement, i got one them foreman grills cooking up all my meat on that now, weighin in at about 105kgs or 230pounds, at around 13% bf , 6,4"

5:30 wake up, clen and animal cuts
6:00 30mins on cycle
6:45 1 cup oats blended with 2 scoops casein protein & 1tblsp natural peanut butter
10:00 wheat wrap with large chicken breast, hommus tomato, lettuce, onion
12:00 Bannana and protein shake
1:00 weight session
2:00 Protein shake + waxy maize
4:30 wheat wrap with large chicken breast, hommus tomato, lettuce, onion
7:30 Lean beef / chicken / pork & vegetables
9:30 Casein protein shake


Wake & take the animal cuts, h20 & do that cardio. 30 min is a good starting point, you'll be doing more... believe that shit. Whey isolate, oatmeal, sweet potato, banana, brown rice, asparagus, broc, greenbeans,onions,chicken,turkey, tilapia,crappies, bluegills, trout, tuna,flounder,whiting, elk, whitetail, muley,buffalo,ostrich,beef & some reptiles are foods that work on a serious diet. They are the only foods I eat now... My macro ratio's are for me & I change them accordingly to my goals. I tolerate very low carb regimines easily. I do not eat alot of fats however. Just essential fats.
Hey all been on here for years just reading, not really posting, just back from holiday and trying to get back into it, this is routine diet, what u reckon? or where needs inprovement, i got one them foreman grills cooking up all my meat on that now, weighin in at about 105kgs or 230pounds, at around 13% bf , 6,4"

5:30 wake up, clen and animal cuts
6:00 30mins on cycle
6:45 1 cup oats blended with 2 scoops casein protein & 1tblsp natural peanut butter
10:00 wheat wrap with large chicken breast, hommus tomato, lettuce, onion
12:00 Bannana and protein shake
1:00 weight session
2:00 Protein shake + waxy maize
4:30 wheat wrap with large chicken breast, hommus tomato, lettuce, onion
7:30 Lean beef / chicken / pork & vegetables
9:30 Casein protein shake


I dont like this diet at all.
Drop the shake in the morning altogether, get whole foods, dont mix fats and carbs ie: peanut butter and oats.

fat+protein is good
carb + protein is good
carb + fat is not so good especially when cutting.

Drop the pre-workout shake, your body needs good complex carbs pre workout. Save the whey shake for pwo.

And your calories are way too low. I didn't do the macros but they are too low. Whether your hungry or not your starving yourself. You may drop weight quickly but you will stall and/or go catabolic.

Read 3J's sticky post #1 get your bmr/tdee and look at his sample diets and adjust to your needs.
No more wraps. No more milk or cheese shit either. Only dairy should be whey or casein[ for nighttime or mrp's] No fruit except bananas. Stick with the foods on my list. meal prtions should have protien, complex low gi carbs & a fiberous veggie. I agree with whole food meals, except post workout. Just enough high glycemic carbs to "reload" the given muscle group should be consumed pwo, along with protien & glutamine/ creatine. A whole food meal within 1.5hrs of that, consisting of only fiberous veggies & clean protiens so as to bring blood sugars down after the intitial insulin spike[ damaged tissues should have soaked all the carbs up by then]
Your body needs good complex carbs pre workout. Save the whey shake for pwo. This is really very important to know this. You just need to change this only.

Condo Association Management
Thanks all for the input ill have to change it up a bit, i only get hungry just before i have to eat, ill have to get another body analysis done, def leaning up and putting back on size and strenght so far after having 6 weeks off, been doin cardio 6 x a week, brisk walk or on bike, bpm around 160, wraps having are wheat and rye, healthiest i could find, not just white ones

SO maybe
Meal 1: 1cup oats Blended with 2 Scoops protein
Meal 3: Wheat wrap + whole grilled chicken breast with salads ect, no fat
Meal 3: Protein Shake + 1tbsp Peanut Butter
Meal 4: same as meal 3
have jacked and workout
PWO 2 scoops protein + waxy maize
Meal 5: Lean meat and vegetables / salads of some kind
meal 6: Casein protein shake + peanut butter,

i had a read of the sticky and adusted mine
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TOO many shakes man....but to each is own I guess. You get a lot more from whole its cheaper.

Its a bit hard for me i got a busy job, i prepare my lunches night before its easier to have shakes in between, and they are cheap enough and im a bit lazy :)

ill see how i go thanks all
In my personal experience whole foods just give better they up your least it seems like it...i get hot after eating whole foods...not after a shake