Cutting for a new career & goal!


"Resident BadAss"
It's been a good while since I have posted on this board. First off, hey to everyone and I hope you are all doing well! My life has changed a little bit, and for the better I can tell you that!

My wife and I are expecting a baby boy (our first), in May, and are totally excited about having a child! I have recently started professional modeling again (used to do it age 18-22) and have an agency in my home town, and an agency in Atlanta. I will mostly be doing commercial/print type modeling, with some runway thrown in the mix. I'm only 5'11" so there won't be as much runway for me, but definitely a lot of print/commercial.

So, the reason I'm back on the board, is because I need some advice. In the modeling industry, you have to fit into certain size clothing, and you have to be very lean. Being 5'11", I had to trim down significantly to be able to even do this again. I currently weigh 173-175, depending on the day, and my bodyfat is around 8%.

Since we are expecting a baby soon, I have been going to the gym in the mornings, because my afternoons are going to be spent with my wife and child. I work 5 days a week all day long, and there isn't any time for me to go besides the early morning. Now, I'm sure that there will be a few days that I will get to train in the afternoon, but lets face it, I'm going to have a new born baby in the house, and I'm going to want to spend as much time around him as possible, so for now, I'm focusing on mornings.

My goal is this: to be as lean and trim as possible, and maintain a decent amount of muscle along the way. I will be happy weighing 170 pounds. Not as happy as weighing 195 pounds like my pictures on the board, but hey, money talks right?

Note: I need to train a little, and do cardio a lot. How do I do this when I only have mornings to train??? I have been doing training, then cardio afterwards, and I know that is a NO NO.

I PM'ed Dirk, and told him my situation, but I wanted to get more opinions on here as well. I have been doing some thinking, and have created a diet that I think will go well with the goal I have in mind. I don't have to have big shoulders, or big arms anymore. It sucks yes, but it doesn't matter with modeling. My jacket size is 42R, neck is 15 3/4", waist is 32", ect. You get the picture....I'm a skinny ass again, but I have maintained my genetic look and figure, just at a smaller size. So, here is the diet I have proposed, and tell me what you think:

6am - train & cardio (i know, i know, its not good..but what can i do)

Meal 1 - 7:30am - PWO - 50g whey iso protein/75g dextrose

Meal 2 - 8:45am - 7 egg whites / 1 cup oatmeal

Meal 3 - 11:45am - 50g whey iso protein/2 tbsp flax oil

Meal 4 - 2:00pm - grilled chicken (50g), baked potato, 1c brocolli

Meal 5 - 5:00pm - 50g whey iso protein/2 tbsp flax oil

Meal 6 - 8:00pm - grilled tunasteak (50g), 1c brown rice, salad

10pm I'm in bed. (should i eat protein b4 bed still?)

Now, I have cut out the fruits, but the only ones I would think about eating would be half a banana in the morning before i go to the gym, because I would need to take it with my Thermorexin, and maybe a granny smith apple during the day sometime? If they are a bad idea, please advise.

I am supplementing the following:

Thermorexin 2x day
Levorex 2 a day/2x
B-12 shots 2x week
Glutamine 10g day
Vit C 4000mg day

I am also drinking about 1 1/2 to 2 gallons of water a day, sometimes more.

I feel like I haven't been eating enough right now, because honestly, I was only eating around 4x per day. This is a diet I just looked around and put together from various opinions on the board. I need to get some pics on here.

My training is not really an issue (other than having to do cardio and training at the same time). I have that under control. I'm doing lighter weights with high reps, and it sucks, but its the only way to keep from getting big. This keeps me leaned out, but to where I don't put on that much muscle.

My main focus is getting my abs to show more. I mean, you can see them without flexing, but I'm looking to get them paper thin all the time. I know that seems crazy, but my metabolism is pretty good, and so are my genetics, so if my diet is right I think it will work out.

I need to here from you guys, since you are really the ones who helped me last year get to where I was. I know this is a totally different approach then you are used to, but this is totally different for me too. I would much rather be on some test & dbol right now, gaining, then doing this.

I appreciate all your help, and I look forward to your comments!
I'm curious why you would cut out fruit and include an empty caloric food like baked potato......unless you meant sweet potato?
Thanks Gimp. Yeah, my agent here wants me around 165, but I'm going to do my best to avoid that weight. 170 is probably all i can stand to lose to. Lean, symmetrical, and hard is basically all I'm looking to maintain. I can't really look thick you but thats the way it has to be. I'm going to start this all up Monday morning.

Neno, yes, sorry about that....I meant sweet potatoes. Little splenda on them and some spray butter makes it a little better. I will probably throw an apple in the mix anyways. I'm sure it won't hurt, plus it will keep me sain.

I went to a preview of a new modern texmex mexican restaurant last night, and splurged on some steak fajitas. My abs look better today then they have the past week. It's amazing what a good cheat meal will do for you.
When did a baked potato become an empty kcal -

Not diff between sweet and idaho except for GI and amount of starch.......
So Dirk, the diet looks good then?

AND...should i down a 50g iso protein shake before bed?

AND...would it be ok to eat a half a banana with my Thermorexin before i go to the gym in the morning, or should i just wait and take the Thermorexin with my PWO shake? I mean, honestly, I don't think it would matter that much to wait and take the Thermorexin, but it does wake me up a bit.
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no i don't think there would be a problem with having the banana. I would take one of the apples with your flax/protein shake.

GOod luck
one other thing - i would dump the dextrose for whole foods. Even a couple of flavored oatmeal packets would be better in the long run.
Good, because I'm going to need that little bit of fruit in my life! An apple is like a godiva truffle when your on a diet like this, so I'm going to enjoy it!

You would still replace the dextrose, even though the only time I consume it is after my workouts? I mean, i don't have a problem swapping it for a cup of oatmeal. I can just drink it along with the protein, but then I will be eating oatmeal again an hour and a half later. Probably doesn't matter does it? I'm sure that in the long run, oatmeal is better anyways.

But, since dextrose is a higher GI, isn't that better than oatmeal pwo? Or is the dextrose thing just over-rated, and the pwo shake is not all its cracked up to be?
Hey dirk:

What about the protein shake before bedtime? I don't think it's going to make that big of a deal. (at least not in what I'm trying to accomplish)

And what about the dextrose in my PWO shake? Is it really going to make that big of a difference in my bodyfat loss?
Man you know, it's so weird how people say over and over again how dextrose is such a good thing to consume in your PWO shake......but then it turns out to not be so goood after all.

I believe you man...I mean, something solid to me, would be better than a bunch of freakin sugar.

Oatmeal it is......

Thanks Dirk. Set em' all straight did me.