Cutting my test cycle from 12 weeks to 10 weeks - need critique please


Let me know your thoughts on my fifth cycle that I just started. It's a little shorter and weaker than I have taken before to try and cut down on my lethargic feeling about a week into PCT. My first cycle was test e only (500mg/week), second cycle was test e (500mg/week) with dbol added, third cycle was test e (500mg/week) with npp (150mg/EOD) and dbol added, fourth cycle was test prop and tren. All went well but I have experienced a couple weeks of pretty bad lethargy about a week into PCT. I'm 44 years old, 6'3", 200lbs.

Week 1-10: Test E 250mg twice/week
Week 1-5: Dbol 35mg/day (to use up existing pills I have left over)
Week 3-12: HcG 500iu/week or 350 iu twice/week or none at all?????
Week 1-12: Aromasin 12.5mg EOD OR 10mg ED. Increase if experiencing gyno symptoms.
Week 13-15: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week 13-15: Clomid 50/50/25/25
Week 13-15: Creatine (10g/day)
Week 13-15: Vit C (1g in morning and 1-2 g after workout)
Week 1-12: Taurine 2g/day (if experiencing muscle cramps)
Week 1-12: Milk thistle 1000mg/day
Week 1-12: Hawthorn berry extract 1000mg/day
Week 1-12: Alpha Lipoic acid 200mg/day
Week 1-12: Liv52-DS 6 pills/day
Week 1-12: NAC 1200mg/day
FOR PCT should I add HcGenerate ES and cardarine and ostarine?
I read somewhere that it helps with PCT. I have had some pretty harsh moments of lethargy in my last couple of cycles during PCT and I thought it may help reduce this. No?
you also need to read up on how to do a proper cycle as your trying to take everything you can get your hands on.
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you have wayyyyyyyyyyy to many compounds man. you also need to read up on how to do a proper cycle as your trying to take everything you can get your hands on.

Okay, thanks for the feedback casanovaa. I have done a lot of reading and these were suggestions from sample cycles and experienced people that were recommended to help make PCT easier because I had minor PCT lethargy problems in the past that I'm trying to avoid. I'm hoping that if I go a little shorter and less potent this cycle I will not have any problems so maybe these aren't necessary but that is why I'm asking the question in this thread. I have about 8 bottles of the Liv52-DS so I want to take those for my liver and was taking the Milk thistle, alpha lipoic and hawthorn to help my liver also. I wouldn't think creatine at the end of the cycle would be a problem. NAC is on a WHO list of most effective and safe medicines.

Which compounds should be removed?

Week 1-10: Test E 250mg twice/week
Week 1-5: Dbol 35mg/day (to use up existing pills I have left over)
Week 3-12: HcG 500iu/week or 350 iu twice/week or none at all?????
Week 1-12: Aromasin 12.5mg EOD OR 10mg ED. Increase if experiencing gyno symptoms.
Week 13-15: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week 13-15: Clomid 50/50/25/25
Week 13-15: Creatine (10g/day)
Week 13-15: Vit C (1g in morning and 1-2 g after workout)
Week 1-12: Taurine 2g/day (if experiencing muscle cramps)
Week 1-12: Milk thistle 1000mg/day
Week 1-12: Hawthorn berry extract 1000mg/day
Week 1-12: Alpha Lipoic acid 200mg/day
Week 1-12: Liv52-DS 6 pills/day
Week 1-12: NAC 1200mg/day