cutting on test cyp and EQ?


New member
hello, i am 210 lbs around 14-15% BF, would a testcyp 500/ew and 250EQ/ew help me get a little more lean? with proper diet ofcourse, eould they help me maintain more muscle ?
Test and eq is a good cycle if you run it for 16 weeks but test at 350-400 and eq at 600. 250 eq is a waste. But post your stats so we can help you diet training years trained as detailed as possible
Use more eq. 500 is good. It'/s mild compared to test, but it doesn't aromatize to the same degree as test though. Increased HCT can be a problem, but 500mg ew is mild imo. It's good for bringing out vascularity.

You also need to run longer cycles because of the long half life of EQ. 14 weeks is a short cycle using EQ.