Cutting progress pics

By the way, I'm 1.77m, right now at about 87/88kgs. At the end of my bulk I was around 91/92kgs. I have been training again since September last year. Before that I couldn't train for like 5 months because of a lot of personal problems. I ate like a 6-year-old school girl also so I had to start at 72kgs again... I bulked up to 92kgs, and now I'm cutting.

Please comment. I personally feel my back and delts are my best bodyparts, where my calves and arms are my weak points. Chest also needs a lot of improvement.

My best lifts are: 200kg deadlift, 200kg squat and 2x130kg benchpress.
hey biceps!! looking great, keep it up! the back shot is very good; your shoulders & lats are well developed. how heavy are you training? and whatever you are eating, eat more!! it's obvious from your post that you have a hard time gaining, so you're gonna have to eat even when you don't feel like it lol. i also think you could add size to your legs by hitting those hamstrings hard. don't be in a rush; just work hard, eat lots and you'll do it! good luck and post "progress pix" LOL!
strngthmnx said:
hey biceps!! looking great, keep it up! the back shot is very good; your shoulders & lats are well developed. how heavy are you training? and whatever you are eating, eat more!! it's obvious from your post that you have a hard time gaining, so you're gonna have to eat even when you don't feel like it lol. i also think you could add size to your legs by hitting those hamstrings hard. don't be in a rush; just work hard, eat lots and you'll do it! good luck and post "progress pix" LOL!

Hey thanks for the compliment! I like your pics too!!!

Well how can I tell you how heavy I train? On a scale of one to ten, it's probably an eleven. I just use the heavy basics, deadlifts, rows, dumbell presses, skullcrushers, curls, squats etc.
Stronger means bigger!

I am hitting those hamstrings hard actually, I always did. I've been bulking so long, and now I'm on a diet to get really ripped for the summer. First time ever I'm doing this by the way. This morning I weighed 86.2kgs, while I weighed 89.8kgs exactly 2 weeks ago. My bodyfat is 10.5% right now. It's going pretty well. I'm not really a hardgainer I would say, but I'm natural so I guess that's why I don't have the massive look really. But I think I have a pretty decent base for a natural even though.

I hired a nutritionist, that's why the diet is going so well. I feel like I'm finally eating properly actually, and I am gonna continue hiring him for when I start bulking again in september or so.
strngthmnx said:
hey biceps!! looking great, keep it up! the back shot is very good; your shoulders & lats are well developed. how heavy are you training? and whatever you are eating, eat more!! it's obvious from your post that you have a hard time gaining, so you're gonna have to eat even when you don't feel like it lol. i also think you could add size to your legs by hitting those hamstrings hard. don't be in a rush; just work hard, eat lots and you'll do it! good luck and post "progress pix" LOL!

Turn around, so I can see your tits.
SOME NEW PICS!!! These were taken on July 12. I'm right now at 183lbs approximately (83.4 kgs this morning). I've lost almost 20lbs so far along, in a little over a month, about 5 weeks.

My bodyfat has gone from about 18% to around 9% where I'm at right now.

Please judge:
BronzedGoddess said:
You're coming along nicely BB. You don't need to lose any more if you ask me.

Thanks :)
BodyFx2 (he's my nutritionist) said I should only keep this pace of weight loss up for one more week, then there will be some adjustments. I feel like I want to get a little more defined though. Especially in the abdominal and leg area.
I feel like I should bring up my arms too... They look like crap in the front lat spread pose. That's so weird, because in the side chest they don't look small at all...
As you requested my critique

1st off i must say your symetry is pretty decent , not many flaws except calves which isnt a big deal , what you lack is SIZE and overall MUSCLE MASS , it also appears you lack full muscle bellies which even at an early age can be detected.

so my advice would be fill in that frame and make sure you keep your symetrical look , good job bro and good luck.
Vander V said:
As you requested my critique

1st off i must say your symetry is pretty decent , not many flaws except calves which isnt a big deal , what you lack is SIZE and overall MUSCLE MASS , it also appears you lack full muscle bellies which even at an early age can be detected.

so my advice would be fill in that frame and make sure you keep your symetrical look , good job bro and good luck.

Thanks for the comments. Yeah my calves are crap indeed. I also feel I should bring up my arms (especially tris) and my chest.

I am going to start bulking again after the summer and I hope to be adding some solid muscle on my frame. About the lack of full muscle bellies... I Guess I just have crappy genetics:(
wow, getting lean bro! I would suspect that your muscles lack that fullness also because you're probably low on carbs at this point in the diet....once you hit your goal weight, you can make adjustments from there and really see some progress....good work, keep it up....