Cutting progress pics

I'm sorry, I've tried to stay out of this thread, really... Just one request, quit saying Bodyfx2 this and that. Pathetic.
i m curious
what the hell do you do to cut yourself up so much right now
im biking like 4days aweek probably about 35-40 miles
do i need to eat smaller meals i eat lunch and dinner and being in the militay always on the go makes it hard.opinions?
Chaz B said:
it sounds to me B.B. that you want others opinions on what THEY think you look like, but as soon as you get an opinion you don't want you'll have nothing to do with it. use the positive and negative comments constructively or quit fuckin askin man.

Hmmm...its funny how someone else says the same exact thing in this thread as I did in one of his threads before...weird.