Cutting weight for spring break


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Cutting weight for spring break - help please

First off i have five 1/2 weeks till spring break, i have ran a ten week cycle thus far and have four weeks left, ive done dianabal for six weeks, test through out and tren for these last 7. and im running 700mg of test enthanate a week and doing 120mg of tren-x every otherday for the next four weeks. ill post cycle therapy (pct) with about three weeks of novadex (or should i go four?)
age: 23
weight: 240
bf%: low 9s
height: 6'2
i dont want to lose muscle (and would actually like to gain 5 more pounds) but i need to sheed another 5-8 pounds of fat. i never lift over 45 minutes, and i go hardcore for the whole time im there. i superset back/chest, legs the next day, then take off wednesday, superset bi/tris on thursday, and hit shoulders friday, with the weekend to rest. also im not currently drinking eating 3,300 calories on the days i lift with 393gs of protien, 180 carbs, and 75gs of fat... the only think that might make sense is to up carbs and lower fats? on days i dont train i eat 2,900 calories, 365 protien, 120 carbs and 64gs of fat....
i have been losing fat but am i going to sacrifice muscle. i like having nearly 19inch arms and 50 inch chest. appreciate imput. should i eat less? I dont know a ton about dieting and am better at bulking... i max 400 bench, 550 dl and squat 525 and want to maintain those :) Thanks
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