Cycle #3 please critique


New member
Ok fellas newb here but have been reading up on these forums for quite some time. Current stats 29 years old, 6ft 2 234lbs and 15%bf according to an electronic scale. Been lifting since my college days but religiously lifting for the last 4 years. Little history before my first cycle goes like this. At 24yrs old i worked my way up to 330lbs post football and knee injuries. Decided to make a change and get healthy. was always interested in AAS but clearly wasnt ready at that weight. Prior to first cycle i lost 105 lbs and got down around 225 with the help of a clean meal plan, personal trainer and hella cardio.

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Decided to run my first cycle which was a 10 week run of Test-E only, followed by Nolvas. definitely added some mass and tipped the scale around 242 in pic below. Second cycle was a clen only (no pct)
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So here is what i have mapped out for my 3rd and have some questions about it.

Weeks 1-12 Test Cyp @ 500
Weeks 1-4 Dbol @ 30mg ed
Weeks 1-12 Arimidex .5 eod
Weeks 15-17 PCT liquid Nolvadex

This will be my first multi compound cycle and want to know if nolvas will be enough for my PCT or is it a must to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) along with it. Help is appreciated. Thanks in advance, Train hard!
The recommended post cycle therapy (pct) is a combination of nolva/clomid for 4 weeks run at:
Clomid: 50/50/50/50
Nolva: 40/40/20/20

HCG isn't necessary, it's more for longer cycles/harsher compounds. Your adex dosage is a little high, may want to start at .25 eod just so you don't crash e2 right away but if that dose works well for you then go for it. Otherwise looks good imo. Some very nice photos too btw, congrats on your progress bro.
i would add the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) personally it may or may not be needed, cant really tell but it will help you recovery faster which will lead to less lost gains and a more pleasent experiance and for the cash id def add it, anything that makes the cycle more effective and enjoyable is well worth adding.
Id also run a support alongside the dbol which will stress your liver out and can affect BP a month on dbol is not going to do your body any good and id run N2Guard alongside the dbol in the beginning wks 1-4, or atleast some hawthorn berry and a liver sup etc
looking good in the pics hope this may help :D
Nickb86 I appreciate the input. I planned on running milk thistle as my OTC liver support while running the dbol. Ill look into n2guard as I am not familiar with it. Much thx.
Ok fellas newb here but have been reading up on these forums for quite some time. Current stats 29 years old, 6ft 2 234lbs and 15%bf according to an electronic scale. Been lifting since my college days but religiously lifting for the last 4 years. Little history before my first cycle goes like this. At 24yrs old i worked my way up to 330lbs post football and knee injuries. Decided to make a change and get healthy. was always interested in AAS but clearly wasnt ready at that weight. Prior to first cycle i lost 105 lbs and got down around 225 with the help of a clean meal plan, personal trainer and hella cardio.

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Decided to run my first cycle which was a 10 week run of Test-E only, followed by Nolvas. definitely added some mass and tipped the scale around 242 in pic below. Second cycle was a clen only (no post cycle therapy (pct))
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So here is what i have mapped out for my 3rd and have some questions about it.

Weeks 1-12 Test Cyp @ 500
Weeks 1-4 Dbol @ 30mg ed
Weeks 1-12 Arimidex .5 eod
Weeks 15-17 post cycle therapy (pct) liquid Nolvadex

This will be my first multi compound cycle and want to know if nolvas will be enough for my post cycle therapy (pct) or is it a must to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) along with it. Help is appreciated. Thanks in advance, Train hard!

Before starting post cycle therapy (pct) would definitely suggest Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) eod 500`100iu x 2 weeks as test and bdol are bound to shrink your raisins...