Uhhhh,let's give this a try:
1. Go to the gym.
2. Find a barbell and put some 45lb plates on it.
2a. Stretch!
3. Lift it up to waist level while keeping your back and shoulders aligned. Be sure to breathe in on the way down, and exhale on the way up. It's a good idea to be looking up too.
4. Keep adding weight until you can only do 2-3 repetitions.
5. Find other exercises where you can do this 3-5 times each.
6. Go home, take a shower and eat plenty of protein with a good ratio of healthy fats and complex carbohydrates.
7. Get plenty of water and rest.
8. Repeat this until desired results have been achieved.
I'm sorry man, but seriously? Strength is more of a function of training type than what drugs you're taking. Sure, you'll get stronger following a hypertrophy program too, but not nearly as much.
I really advise you spend some time reading the stickies posted at the top of this thread, then coming back with actual specific questions. I'm not going to hold your hand and lay out a cycle for you - especially when I have no clue what you're looking for or what your history is.
Come back with questions that can't be answered with 15 minutes in the stickies, and I'll be the first to do my best to help. Otherwise, you're not getting much out of this, other than being told what to do - which may not fit your goals or even specific needs.
My .02c