Cycle advice ?? Test 400 , tren ace, winny cycle.


New member
Let me start this off by saying I know I'm young but I've done 2 cycles before and it isn't gonna stop me , I'm 20.

My previous cycles were 12 week Test E at 500mg / week. That's it's so this time I'm actually gonna try and do something different.

I'm 6'2
235lbs and around 15% BF.

I was thinking
T400 E week 1-12 at 800mg/w
Tren ace. Week 1-6 or 1-8 at 75mg/ EOD
And then winny week 6-12 at 20-40 mg daily
Then maybe clomid and hcg for pct.

Would love some feedback and advice from the more experienced.
Definitely way too young. Your endocrine system is far from being done developing. And you aren't even done growing physically yet. I think if you were more informed about the harm you are causing yourself that you would make a different choice.

And by the way, you have several things wrong with your cycle. I encourage you to do some homework. Here is a good thread to get you started. Please read the studies about what happens when you cycle before your brain is fully developed and how yo put a cycle together so you can do it properly when the time is right.