cycle change


New member
week 1-3 test prop 200mg/cc 2cc/week
week 1-16 EQ 400mg week 200mg 1cc e3d
week 4-8 Anavar 45mg ED
week 2-6 denkall 400 test 1cc/week
week 4-16 300mg masteron with 100mg test prop mix
week 1-16 15mg nolva, .25ml arim eod
week 12-16 40mg win tabs ED
week 18-22 normal clomid stack with reduction and nolva 30mg ED
week 1-10 T3 / Clen/ Hydroxycut cycling up and down with the T3 and maintaining 120mcg clen a day.
Kinda a crazy combo of things, but I designed it with the idea of getting my strength back to par and then cutting. My diet will be 300-400 g protein per day with less than 100 carbs and alot of fruit. Using iso-pure shakes. So far im at week 4 and have lost 1lb from 198 to 197 at 5'8. Current bodyfat is at 14% My goal is 7% BF and I am eating very clean. The 34's are getting lose and I am feeling real strong. I'm working a 6 day split mon/thurs chest shoulders, tues/friday legs/back wed/friday bis/tries 5x5 on one heavy then 2 other exercises to 8-12 reps throughout. Cardio is 20min per day maintaining 160bpm on a treadmill and my blood pressure has actually dropped in the last 4 weeks which I am attributing possibly to the arim. Im naturally high in test and I used the test heavier early on to boost the strength, now Im going to taper it down and hit the clen/hydroxycut and cycle off the t3 for a month or so then restart that process. Does anyone think adding Nos to their supplements will help? Im on pharmanax vitamins and doing the liverx and milk thistle and of course alot of glutamine and cla. Antioxidants have gone up alot using green tea extract.
damn I hate the Masteron and Its fuckin pricy u should have gotten some Trenbolone Would have done a better Job for the same price , but still let us know how this goes
The cycle is going great so far. I am way up on strength and lost more bodyfat. I am still right around 200 lbs but my waist is at 32 now. I really like the way the EQ/masteron produces lean muscle mass. My veins are starting to pop out real nice and I look alot harder and feel harder.