Cycle Critique is much appreciated


New member
Hello men and women of this website!

This is my first post, so let me introduce myself. 3 years ago, I was your typical American endomorph weighing 356 lbs with bf @ 35-40%. I decided to stop the humiliation and do something about it. Long story short, I dropped to 169 lbs with bf around 12%. That's when I decided to take the chemical route to build muscles and improve my skin, as it was rather saggy, especially in the mid section, lower pecks and inner thighs.

I found a great source with great products, I used centrino test, mast and a bit of dbol. My source disappeared so I found another, but unfortunately I got burnt. Although the bd eu gear was legit, it was severely under dosed that @ 825 mg of test and 450 mg tri tren, I was feeling nothing, with no sides either so I decided to stop, detox my body, wait a few months, do some research and start over.

Currently my stats are as follows:
218 lbs
Bf 16%

My diet will be in check, mostly proteins of different sources, complex carbs early in the day and in the post work out shakes, with good fats from nuts and olive oil. Of course, leafy and fibrous veggies of all colors and some berries for natural sugar and anti oxidation.

My workout will be switched every 28 days, switched between max o.t, pyramids, circuits and cardio a few times a week.

My planned cycle will be:
75 mg test p, 75 mg tren a, 75 mg mast p EOD
250 mg sustanon weekly
40-120 mcg clen daily pyramid 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
.5 mg adex eod
50 mg winstrol Ed last 5-6 weeks

Pct, 17 days after last sustanon injection
First ten days will be 500 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) then a month of 20 mg nolvadex.

I read mixed things about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) usage during cycle. I heard its good and I tried it, it works. But a know a PT who is also a competitive BB told me its a bad idea. So, I'd appreciate a calcification.
get some caber or prami to take with tren.
Also you can choose to run Var instead of Winstrol (winny) if you want. Var helped me lose fat around the midsection, as well as hardness and great strength gains.
Also don't start post cycle therapy (pct) until 3 or more weeks after sustanon shot. Sustanon lasts a LONG TIME.

Some people run tren higher than testosterone to reduce side effects. So you can try without the sust if you want also.

Dont run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during post cycle therapy (pct), do it the 3 weeks while you are waiting for sustanon to clear then run clomid 50mg per day for 4 weeks and nolva 20mg per day for first 3 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct).
Wow u dropped 169 lbs !!! That's impressive !!

Welcome to ooology my friend!

And good luck on your next cycle !
Thank you for the warm welcome...

Caber and what? I need some research to see this. You see, this trainer I met and talked to adviced to run sust along prop and that to keep tren sides at bay.

As far as PTC is concerned, thanks for telling that it's 21 not 17 days after the last injection. If half life ends on day say 17 or 18, then it drop to 125mg, then 18 days later it drop to 62mg, and 31, and so on till it's completely metabolized, why not wait till its out of the system?

I also seem to have allergic reaction to clomid. I have monsterous acne outbreaks when I took it, but I'm also having the same issue with Hcg, so it seems like something I have to live with.

Anavar sound exciting, but it's way to expensive to run a good dose 40-80 mg a day, which is the dose I was advices to take. I like the drying and hardening effect of winstrol and I really didn't experience joint discomfort, but again, I ran it for 28 days at 50 mg ed, and the gear was ify.

The links below are for my transformation, prior to getting on gear:


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first off, congrats! thats a huge accomplishment losing all that weight.

Secondly, this is what I think you should do for your cycle. Prop/ace/masteron is a killer cycle but at 75mg EOD is only 262mg a week. I would bump all 3 ro 100mg EOD and drop the sustanon. you could even keep the prop at 75mg EOD but the tren and masteron need to be at 300-400mg a week or you're just wasting them.

This ofcorse will reguire you to start post cycle therapy (pct) a lot sooner than 17 days after cycel but with the post cycle therapy (pct) you have laid out you'll be fine. You may want to get some caber, not everyone gets prolactin sides with Tren.....i know i don't, but better safe then sorry.
Ok then,I'll bump up the dose to 100 mg of each. I was wondering if you guys think it's a good idea to add igf1 and hgh frag with GHRP 6 and cjc 1292
Ok then,I'll bump up the dose to 100 mg of each. I was wondering if you guys think it's a good idea to add igf1 and hgh frag with GHRP 6 and cjc 1292

you can, but if your whole goal is to trim and tighten up then i wouldn't. i would save them for post cycle therapy (pct) so you continue to grow after cycle and don't lose some gains during post cycle therapy (pct).
How come GHRP and GHRH aren't good for trimming down. According to my readings, they're best taken first in the morning before a30-60 minute cardio session.