Cycle/Cutting Advice needed


New member
First of all English is not my first language so if anything is unclear please feel free to ask.
So atm im on my first cycle (12weeks) with test e 500/week and dbol for the first 4 weeks as a kickstart. Im roughly 10 weeks in and gained 15kgs/33lbs. The main goal of this cycle was to bulk and after those 12 weeks, in week 13, im going to do a cutting phase which means i will expand my test e cycle to around 20 weeks. Im also planning to add some fat burning stuff but im still unsure what to add.
I really wanted to do: test e/masteron and clen but i canr afford it atm.
So guys will there be also good results with test e only, a fat burning substance, cardio and a clean diet? And what should i use to burn the fat: Clen/T3/ECA/Ephedrine or Yohimbine? Ive done clen, ec and yohimbine but back then my diet was shit.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys.

My stats:
19 yo
183cm/6 feet
4.500-4.800 cals (bulking)
My Lord son !!
Why did you want to kill your natty testosterone production at such a young age?!?!::-(
Your best bet would be to stop cycle, start pct and HOPE LIKE Hell that your system starts natural production again. IMO.
Then dont mess with AAS again until several years down the road.
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Ikr but i made that choice and im fine with it. But thanks for your concern :-)

That's all good and well that you're fine with it....

But you are far too young to be cycling, and your plans for the rest of your cycle are crazy to say the least...

I respectfully suggest you jump ship now, run the standard Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) and pray to god you make a recovery.
You have more than likely already done irreversible damage already.

Otherwise, do what you're planning and we'll see you this time next year in the TRT section - where you'll be eating humble pie.

No one in their right mind is going to encourage you to cycle at your age - so do yourself a favor, drop the drugs and learn how to diet and train optimally over the next 5 years before doing this properly. And before you say you know how to diet and train properly... ask yourself why you are trying to bulk and then cut on the same cycle!?
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Ive been training since im 13 years old and ive competed 3 times already. I would say i know how to diet and train properly. And yea i have to admit that the timing wasnt that good. The problem is that i started my bulking cycle on january and theres a competition on 15th July and therfore i need to cut. Should have planned it better but now its too late i guess.
Damn Ben!! I envy how you are so Well able to articulate your points!!!!
Great points made. This^^^^^ pretty much covers it OP. Take heed.^^^^
Alright so if i stop the cycle right now and do an intense PCT i guess i will still be at a high risk of losing muscle mass if i start cutting right after it? Because in order to maintain the muscle ive built during my cycle i need to train hard and eat a lot of food. But when im cutting for my comp. I basically train hard but still eat in a caloric deficit. Thats some dilemma :-/
I really respect you guys because you know so much more than me but the question was not if im too young or not. The question was which "fatburner" you guys prefer
I really respect you guys because you know so much more than me but the question was not if im too young or not. The question was which "fatburner" you guys prefer

Diet and exercise is the best! Feels even better when you reach your target goal!
Ive been training since im 13 years old and ive competed 3 times already. I would say i know how to diet and train properly. And yea i have to admit that the timing wasnt that good. The problem is that i started my bulking cycle on january and theres a competition on 15th July and therfore i need to cut. Should have planned it better but now its too late i guess.

I do not care how long you've been training, how long you have been competing etc etc

You will not find one responsible person on this forum who will advocate a cycle for you to follow - whether that's for a show or not.

My advise to you remains the same....

Drop the AAS, PCT as standard - and then IF you make a recovery - it's time to re-evaluate what's most important to you...

Short term glory v long term risk

And right now you are headed for a catastrophe my friend.

I urge you to change your mindset - and put health first.
