Cycle details - any comments/suggestions appreciated


New member
Hey everyone. I have to first say thanks for the wealth of info on this forum.

I'm about to start cycle and here's what I've got planned out. Stats: 5'9 - 200 lbs. Working out consistently for about 7yrs

Week 1 to week 10 (500 mg test e) (.5mg eod. Arimidex)
Week 1 to week 4 (75 mg winstrol daily)
Week 7 to week 10 (100 mg winstrol daily)
2 weeks after lastpin.
Day 1 - 250 mg clomid + 60 mg nolva
Day 11 to 21 - 100 mg clomid +40 mg nolva
Day 22 to 32. - 50 mg clomid + 20 mg nolva

Any suggestions or comments appreciated.

The one thing I was unsure about was: would I still take the 0.5mg eod of arimidex after last pin until day 1 of pct? Or do I stop arimidex after last pin?

Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Cycle history? Body fat %? Age? Diet plan? and where is your HCG? I suggest going back through and reading the stickys. Lots of good info in them.
Cycle history? Body fat %? Age? Diet plan? and where is your HCG? I suggest going back through and reading the stickys. Lots of good info in them.

Age 32, bf: roughly 15 I'm guessing, hgc not available, I eat very high protein foods, not much carbs - and cycle history this will be firstreal cycle as I have done the mistake of an oral only cycle. But since I've read and read - the cycle above is what seemed to make sense. (taking bits from different examples)
First cycle should be Test only. Drop the Winny.

Too much clomid Day 1.

Figure put how to get hCG so you can run it while on cycle. Do you want your testicles to shrink and hamper your recovery?

I would start Adex at .25mg EOD and increase if your mid-cycle blood work indicates your E2 is still high.

Have you gotten pre-cycle blood work yet? If so, let's see it.
First cycle should only include one compound...and that should be testosterone. I really think you would benefit from going back and reading the sticky forums. I wouldn't start any cycle without HCG. I do not think you are ready to start this cycle. Also I do not understand your 2 week break from winstrol mid-cycle.
First cycle should only include one compound...and that should be testosterone. I really think you would benefit from going back and reading the sticky forums. I wouldn't start any cycle without HCG. I do not think you are ready to start this cycle. Also I do not understand your 2 week break from winstrol mid-cycle.
I've seen the break on other examples stacking the 2 compounds (giving body a break apparently). I have not gotten bloodwork done (don't really know how you approach a doctor about needing bloodwork just "because". Also, why drop the winny? I've used it with good results in the past but since I've learned that test is base of cycle I figured I'd stack the two like like many other examples online.
See my signature for how to get blood work without going through your doc.

Have you read the stickies yet? They cover why your first cycle should be test only. What are your thoughts on what they said vs. adding Winny?
See my signature for how to get blood work without going through your doc.

Have you read the stickies yet? They cover why your first cycle should be test only. What are your thoughts on what they said vs. adding Winny?
Adding winny is for the cutting aspect and I've reacted/tolerated it well in the past. Hoping for leaner look and less bulk than with just test alone.
Adding winny is for the cutting aspect and I've reacted/tolerated it well in the past. Hoping for leaner look and less bulk than with just test alone.

That will depend mainly on your diet. Not gear. I suggest sending 3J a pm and figure out a better plan than eating "very high protein low carbs"
First cycle should be Test only. Drop the Winny.

Too much clomid Day 1.

Figure put how to get hCG so you can run it while on cycle. Do you want your testicles to shrink and hamper your recovery?

I would start Adex at .25mg EOD and increase if your mid-cycle blood work indicates your E2 is still high.

Have you gotten pre-cycle blood work yet? If so, let's see it.

Sums up my thoughts as well. BUT as an older lifter and AAS user, I would not add winny to my first cycle as previously mentioned, or 100th cycle. Just not a fan...