105 kg
18pct bf
193 cm
37 years old
always been active... Done weight training in 20s but never taken steroids. Had a dark 5 years where I gained 45 kg and did no training.
diet: well I peaked at 160kg and 45pct bf and have trained my way down to 105 over the last 18 months (Bjj and Muay Thai and hiking). At beginning I was eating maybe 1200 calories a day of lean meat and veg and a little brown rice and protein shakes + green tea / cla / lcarnatine , fish oil, multi vitamins. There were some weeks when I fell of the wagon but in general it's been a long grind. For last 3 months I don't really count calories but always eat clean and healthy and enough that I can still train Bjj or Muay Thai every day. Result is I'm much thinner but I lost lots of strength and size and have mild loose skin issues that could be helped if I got bigger again.
so... Now I have 1 month off work and really want to turn things up and get rid of last of my fat and get some strength back. I'm training Bjj and Muay Thai again 2x a day 5 days a week. Also try to do dead lifts and pull-ups after training to exhaustion. What I found was that I could not keep up! Always had some small injury and so wanted something to help. This is actually the main motivation - to be able to take most advantage of the month I have to train hard without burning out and getting injured. Then seems advice is that if u start a cycle it should be 12 weeks. So goals are recovery, lean muscle gain, strength and loose remaining fat (est loose about 8kg of actual fat enough)
i did some research and have started the following and thought I'd post so if there is something wrong I can correct.
Week 1: 50 mg anvar. 50mg clen. 50ml igf-1. Green tea extract . Daily
week 2: as above but added 250mg test-e every 5 days.
week 3 +4: stop clen.
Week 5-10: stop igf-1
week 6: add clen back for 2 weeks
week 11: stop anavar. Reduce test-e to every 7 days
week 12: reduce test e to 125 mg
week 13 :start pct with nova
If feel sore nipples on cycle will take nova too as required.
Igf-1 I've been doing 5 days on then 2 off - mainly cos traveling and not comfortable carrying it around.
Im on week 3 now. Feel ok. Little Injuries and knocks and sprains seem to heal right away. Feel stronger. Bf dropping but not massive difference. Not feeling anvar pumps (??) - should I raise it? And should I add igf-1 back in after week 4?
Re diet. Protein shake inc oats and milk for breakfast before training. Then chicken and veg. Brown rice. Maybe omelette. No carbs for dinner. Not counting calories but eat just enough to not feel beat. I'd estimate maybe 2500.
thoughts advise welcomed..
105 kg
18pct bf
193 cm
37 years old
always been active... Done weight training in 20s but never taken steroids. Had a dark 5 years where I gained 45 kg and did no training.
diet: well I peaked at 160kg and 45pct bf and have trained my way down to 105 over the last 18 months (Bjj and Muay Thai and hiking). At beginning I was eating maybe 1200 calories a day of lean meat and veg and a little brown rice and protein shakes + green tea / cla / lcarnatine , fish oil, multi vitamins. There were some weeks when I fell of the wagon but in general it's been a long grind. For last 3 months I don't really count calories but always eat clean and healthy and enough that I can still train Bjj or Muay Thai every day. Result is I'm much thinner but I lost lots of strength and size and have mild loose skin issues that could be helped if I got bigger again.
so... Now I have 1 month off work and really want to turn things up and get rid of last of my fat and get some strength back. I'm training Bjj and Muay Thai again 2x a day 5 days a week. Also try to do dead lifts and pull-ups after training to exhaustion. What I found was that I could not keep up! Always had some small injury and so wanted something to help. This is actually the main motivation - to be able to take most advantage of the month I have to train hard without burning out and getting injured. Then seems advice is that if u start a cycle it should be 12 weeks. So goals are recovery, lean muscle gain, strength and loose remaining fat (est loose about 8kg of actual fat enough)
i did some research and have started the following and thought I'd post so if there is something wrong I can correct.
Week 1: 50 mg anvar. 50mg clen. 50ml igf-1. Green tea extract . Daily
week 2: as above but added 250mg test-e every 5 days.
week 3 +4: stop clen.
Week 5-10: stop igf-1
week 6: add clen back for 2 weeks
week 11: stop anavar. Reduce test-e to every 7 days
week 12: reduce test e to 125 mg
week 13 :start pct with nova
If feel sore nipples on cycle will take nova too as required.
Igf-1 I've been doing 5 days on then 2 off - mainly cos traveling and not comfortable carrying it around.
Im on week 3 now. Feel ok. Little Injuries and knocks and sprains seem to heal right away. Feel stronger. Bf dropping but not massive difference. Not feeling anvar pumps (??) - should I raise it? And should I add igf-1 back in after week 4?
Re diet. Protein shake inc oats and milk for breakfast before training. Then chicken and veg. Brown rice. Maybe omelette. No carbs for dinner. Not counting calories but eat just enough to not feel beat. I'd estimate maybe 2500.
thoughts advise welcomed..