New member
Hi Guys, I am an endo-meso body type - I weigh around 205lbs/93kg , tall 5ft 10 and have 12-13% bodyfat.
I do not hold too much bodyfat however I lack muscle roundness and vascularity .
My diet consists of the classic bodybuilding "clean food".
Have any of you guys tried masteron/winstrol cycle and Clen? I heared it is a very good cycle for definition/hardness.?
I am planning this cycle:
week1&2 masteron 300mg Clen only
week3-week10 masteron proponiate 300mg winstrol 50mg everyday and test cyp 250mg a week
I will cycle Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.
PCT: nolva
Before you flame me , I will start the first two weeks with no test to get that hardness and from week 3 onwards i hope that my muscles will fill nicely with the test. I do not want to go test crazy this is not my first or second cycle i have experience with previous ones when i go above 500 mgs of test i get big but when I pass the 6 weeks mark I get bloated. and please for those who says that to take masteron if youre below 10% i do not agree with your view at least not in my experience.
I do not hold too much bodyfat however I lack muscle roundness and vascularity .
My diet consists of the classic bodybuilding "clean food".
Have any of you guys tried masteron/winstrol cycle and Clen? I heared it is a very good cycle for definition/hardness.?
I am planning this cycle:
week1&2 masteron 300mg Clen only
week3-week10 masteron proponiate 300mg winstrol 50mg everyday and test cyp 250mg a week
I will cycle Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.
PCT: nolva
Before you flame me , I will start the first two weeks with no test to get that hardness and from week 3 onwards i hope that my muscles will fill nicely with the test. I do not want to go test crazy this is not my first or second cycle i have experience with previous ones when i go above 500 mgs of test i get big but when I pass the 6 weeks mark I get bloated. and please for those who says that to take masteron if youre below 10% i do not agree with your view at least not in my experience.