Cycle for, size and strength after surgery, please help!


New member
I'm going to type a big message here and hopefully not bore the hell out of everyone. I'm looking for answers but the answer might be wait until I've healed on my own or have more money... Let's find out!

I've been trying to research a few things and I'm not having any luck finding consistent information.
Maybe I'll just explain my situation and someone might have a solution.
31years old
8 years of real lifting experience
3 cycles, no issues.
I broke my clavicle and did some damage to parts of my shoulder back in august.
I've done physio to get my range back and sort out the shoulder issues.
A month ago I had surgery to have a plate put on the collarbone. No issues.
So this is where I'm at. I've gained fat, lost a ton of muscle size and definition, especially on my "bad side". I've been hiking, doing leg machines and cardio to keep my hormones and blood flow up. Diet is good. Vitamins and supplements are great. Did my research in those areas to help with recovery.
Sorry for the book... I just want to take this serious.
So where my head is at is get back to where I was. Strength and size. I can be patient and not rush the training but I would like some help.
The bad news is that I'm in school getting my 3rd trades ticket and my original plan was to do my next cycle in the summer when I'm working again.
Money is low, motivation is very high...
and because I'm broke and still recovering I'm thinking
minimum test: 200-250 /wk EQ: 300-400 /wk
for 16weeks.
Remember I don't have a lot of money and I don't want to do more damage. Just recover a little quicker while I intelligently work back to where I was.
I had a great experience using test and EQ during my 2nd cycle but if I remember now that was about 500test & 600eq then (a week).
I'll do pct of coarse. I don't care about a jump start with an oral or anything.
I don't want to very quickly boost my strength with say, dbol and do more damage than good.
Can anyone help or ask any contacts that could help me out?
I'd really appreciate some real advice!
Thank you for your time!
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If you're low on funds, don't use EQ. Based on everyone that I know who has ran it, it can increase appetite and red blood cell count, and to dose high is costly, but doesn't really build much especially at budget doses.
I'd run deca instead, and keep the test where it's at.
Are you sure your body is ready for heavy lifting just yet???
I'd say recover fully and save your money so you can run a complete cycle trying to rush it and without the correct funding isn't the best idea I know you wanna get back into things but you gotta do it the right way its safer for you and a better use of your time to do it right I hope you make a speedy recovery
I think you have the right idea. Be patient and take it slow, especially with the shoulder. I like the idea of a mild cycle to get things started again. Just don't reinjure that shoulder.
I'm not looking for fast strength gains or size from this small cycle (if it happens) just looking to speed up recovery time between workouts and for my nutrients (ie. proteins) to go further in building small muscles back up quicker. I may have worded that wrong, I think you know what I mean. I should have worded my original post better.

That's interesting about the deca over eq. I do remember always being hungry and eating like a horse with EQ and with a low budget I'd end up eating garbage. Good tip. How much deca and how often do you think? Once a week or twice for levels? Would prop be better, EOD for levels since I'm considering a small dose?

Thanks for the advice guys. I understand completely, and may just end up waiting.
I'm definitely not ready for heavy lifting and won't be for at least a couple of months. I know that.
It's such a mind f**k losing 8 years of progress. All that dedication and discipline, the sacrifices while people I know ate, drank and did whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted and now because of an accident I'm in worse shape than them anyway.
Sorry for the rant.
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I'm not looking for fast strength gains or size from this small cycle (if it happens) just looking to speed up recovery time between workouts and for my nutrients (ie. proteins) to go further in building small muscles back up quicker. I may have worded that wrong, I think you know what I mean. I should have worded my original post better.

That's interesting about the deca over eq. I do remember always being hungry and eating like a horse with EQ and with a low budget I'd end up eating garbage. Good tip. How much deca and how often do you think? Once a week or twice for levels? Would prop be better, EOD for levels since I'm considering a small dose?

Thanks for the advice guys. I understand completely, and may just end up waiting.
I'm definitely not ready for heavy lifting and won't be for at least a couple of months. I know that.
It's such a mind f**k losing 8 years of progress. All that dedication and discipline, the sacrifices while people I know ate, drank and did whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted and now because of an accident I'm in worse shape than them anyway.
Sorry for the rant.

Its not going to slow recovery. If I were in the same position, I would do the same if for no other reason than to help prevent losing lean body mass,
Dose the deca up to 600/week IMO.
If you wanted a fast acting that you can pin 3x a week and leaned your system faster, go with NPP.
I am recovering from tendon surgery right now with a second surgery scheduled in 3 weeks. I plan a very similar cycle of 250 test 400-600 eq for 12 weeks once I recover enough to lift decent weights again. Let me know how you do.
Id just run a maintenance dose of T until I got my strength back. Surgery bottoms out your natural T so even 200mg a week will make a huge difference. You don't want tot plateau too fast.
PS I would be running T until and through the surgery at a dose like 120mg a week.

Please consult with a doc before starting any therapeutic program :)
For the low dose of test, for example 200mg a week should I pin twice at 100mg for levels or could I get away with the 200mg just once a week?
Same question for eq or deca too incase that happens... ?
Probably twice a week, splitting the weekly dose for both and pin test&deca OR test&eq at the same time right?
That's how I've always done it.
I don't know if steroids would be the best idea in your situation. I personally think you should just stay natural and let your body heal it's self. If I was to recomend something it would probably be a low dose of testosterone, low dose deca, and possibly look into tb500.

Tb500 on it's own could help with healing the injury quicker. I still think just staying off steroids would be the safest option while recovering. Muscle memory will kick in and you will be running cycles in the future and be the same as before if your injury didnt effect you. The most important thing is to eat clean and not gain fat. You can always gain muscle back but once new fat cells are set into place all you can do is shrink them if I remember correctly.
Oh and stay positive man don't get depressed about being injured. Just remember you will be back on your feet 100% before you know it. A positive mental mind set is very important.
I don't know if steroids would be the best idea in your situation. I personally think you should just stay natural and let your body heal it's self. If I was to recomend something it would probably be a low dose of testosterone, low dose deca, and possibly look into tb500.

Tb500 on it's own could help with healing the injury quicker. I still think just staying off steroids would be the safest option while recovering. Muscle memory will kick in and you will be running cycles in the future and be the same as before if your injury didnt effect you. The most important thing is to eat clean and not gain fat. You can always gain muscle back but once new fat cells are set into place all you can do is shrink them if I remember correctly.

Why? Anything to back these thoughts up? It is well known when you have surgery your T levels plummet.