Cycle help 21 year old young bodybuilder


New member
Hey guys wanted to do my 5th cycle im aiming to do some winter bulking and size gaining still deciding on what to do so please veterans and bros help a young guy out.

6 foot
15% bf
shoulder barbell-365

Cycle ideas:

Test P-400mg 1-10 weeks
Tren ace 400mg 1-10 weeks
Insulin-10iu pwo-starting from 2 working up to 10-1-10 weeks
HGH-5iu mon-fri sat and sunday off-forever

Test C-400mg 1-13 weeks
deca-750 mg 1-13
Eq-750 mg 1-13
dbol-40 1-4
insulin-10pwo 1-10
hgh-5iu 5 on 2 0ff forever


I need lil help on the insulin if u guys that are experienced with insulin can chime in and hgh too. Please critique if needed. Im doing this for life so im already doing it so please help if anything. I want to run hgh forever and to fix skin too. Ill use humalog so how long should i use it for. Thanks
How did u manage 5 cycles at the age of 21 lol?

I don't know if I believe it because thats a lot of cycles, when most last 12-15 weeks on average. Then put in your PCT time and I'm assuming since ur cycling ur not B.C....

I don't know much about insulin in terms of cycles, but it's not to be taken for granite compared to regular injectables and tablets u have taken as it's dangerous.
OP I believe you're headed for a train wreck. Your fucking with serious shit that I doubt you have any clue to the extent of downstream ramifications of.

Unless your really really gifted genetics wise and real close to going pro and making this your life I believe your already in way over your head.its one thing to fuck with your endocrine system before you're old enough. But insulin can and does kill if you fuck up. I'd rethink this
Worst than a train wreck here and dangerous combo at your young age of 21 with "5 cycles" already under your belt. What is your complete cycle history?
OP I believe you're headed for a train wreck. Your fucking with serious shit that I doubt you have any clue to the extent of downstream ramifications of.

Unless your really really gifted genetics wise and real close to going pro and making this your life I believe your already in way over your head.its one thing to fuck with your endocrine system before you're old enough. But insulin can and does kill if you fuck up. I'd rethink this

6 foot and 250lbs. May actually want to be a BBer with those stats. Assuming he isn't fat. Remembering that guys like Dallas McCarver are 5 years older than him and on the Olympia stage, I imagine they started at a similar time.
6 foot and 250lbs. May actually want to be a BBer with those stats. Assuming he isn't fat. Remembering that guys like Dallas McCarver are 5 years older than him and on the Olympia stage, I imagine they started at a similar time.
Im not saying it's impossible.....just very rare.

I wish I knew the numbers of guys who threw caution to the wind and seriously fucked themselves up vs the guys that did the same but make a living or are very close to that goal.
I'm guessing ballpark odds are 1:50 but probably more like 1:500
Thanks for the replys. I knpw some of you would have questioned my cycle history ive been messing arround with hormones since 16.. I know it was very young but this was what i put my life toward i was a depressed kid that found a way to get through life lifting and if it would have killed me or put me in train wrecks then thats just how it was going to be. I would like to experiment with insulin but if you guys really think i dont need it then okay ill take it out but i want to compete sometime next year see how i do and go from there. What do you guys think about the hgh idea and the layout. please let me know thanks guys. Im a fairly normal 250 nothing fat a 4 pack sorta but always that little tough amount of flab to get rid of in abdomen.
Thanks for the replys. I knpw some of you would have questioned my cycle history ive been messing arround with hormones since 16.. I know it was very young but this was what i put my life toward i was a depressed kid that found a way to get through life lifting and if it would have killed me or put me in train wrecks then thats just how it was going to be. I would like to experiment with insulin but if you guys really think i dont need it then okay ill take it out but i want to compete sometime next year see how i do and go from there. What do you guys think about the hgh idea and the layout. please let me know thanks guys. Im a fairly normal 250 nothing fat a 4 pack sorta but always that little tough amount of flab to get rid of in abdomen.
messing around with hormones since you where 16 years old...and now you want to experiment with insulin!! your so blasee about it like your trying on a shirt or pair of shoes, see you on the 11 o'clock news....damn.
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Thanks for the replys. I knpw some of you would have questioned my cycle history ive been messing arround with hormones since 16.. I know it was very young but this was what i put my life toward i was a depressed kid that found a way to get through life lifting and if it would have killed me or put me in train wrecks then thats just how it was going to be. I would like to experiment with insulin but if you guys really think i dont need it then okay ill take it out but i want to compete sometime next year see how i do and go from there. What do you guys think about the hgh idea and the layout. please let me know thanks guys. Im a fairly normal 250 nothing fat a 4 pack sorta but always that little tough amount of flab to get rid of in abdomen.

If you're not getting paid/sponsored I'd steer clear of insulin.
Thanks for the replys. I knpw some of you would have questioned my cycle history ive been messing arround with hormones since 16.. I know it was very young but this was what i put my life toward i was a depressed kid that found a way to get through life lifting and if it would have killed me or put me in train wrecks then thats just how it was going to be. I would like to experiment with insulin but if you guys really think i dont need it then okay ill take it out but i want to compete sometime next year see how i do and go from there. What do you guys think about the hgh idea and the layout. please let me know thanks guys. Im a fairly normal 250 nothing fat a 4 pack sorta but always that little tough amount of flab to get rid of in abdomen.

you don't need the insulin. Wait until you've competed and learnt how to diet properly first. Not saying you aren't decent already, but f*** me if you don't learn 10x more quickly when doing competitions.
I want to see pictures. If you've been at this for as long as you say and have the physique you claim. Post some pictures.

The whole thing here is a train wreck and I believe you are on the brink of killing yourself without a personal professional full time coach. SO this is why I asked for pictures. Because maybe we could see that you at this point have a chance eventually on the pro circuit.

The pics might clear up our skepticism as to your potential future. Ergo you getting some on hand professional coaching. There are some pro's that have started early and that's why they are the monsters at a young Olympian age. Are you? If not you are embarking on very dangerous health problems and then for what?
6 foot and 250lbs. May actually want to be a BBer with those stats. Assuming he isn't fat. Remembering that guys like Dallas McCarver are 5 years older than him and on the Olympia stage, I imagine they started at a similar time.

you don't need the insulin. Wait until you've competed and learnt how to diet properly first. Not saying you aren't decent already, but f*** me if you don't learn 10x more quickly when doing competitions.

Thank God someone can give constructive criticism, everyone else just jumps on the hate train.

Everyone knows that hormones are bad, but everyone on this board is on them. It's like supreme hubris.

If someone is trolling, smash them. If someone is asking for good advice and being upfront with their experience, guide them with constructive criticism.
Most guys on this board are using steroids. We understand the consequences, and in good conscious, we can not condone young people using AAS. It's nothing personal, just don't ask a question if you already know what we think and what advice we will give.
Most guys on this board are using steroids. We understand the consequences, and in good conscious, we can not condone young people using AAS. It's nothing personal, just don't ask a question if you already know what we think and what advice we will give.

some people just have to learn the hard way.