CYCLE HELP!!! test e, deca, tbol


New member
Hey guys,

I'm starting a new cycle and need some help. I'm thinking of running 15 weeks of Test E, TBol, and Deca. I'm planning to jump start the cycle with 50mg of TBol for 5 weeks, and then introduce the Deca.
So it'll look like this

(1-5) 500mg/wk of test e, 50 mg of tbol e.d.

(5-15) 500mg/wk of test e, 300mg/wk of deca

I will be running .5 of Arimidex daily

I currently have some gyno that developed about 6 months ago and I haven't been on gear in 2.5 years. I didn't run an AI on my last cycle so that could be why. I have a little letrozole.. Plenty nolvadex, clomid, and arimidex. My question is, will the arimidex alone reduce the gyno or should I add in some letro before the cycle? Or maybe nolvadex on cycle? First time with gyno so I don't know the best route.

Thanks guys,
10 weeks of deca is a waste. you'd want to run 12 or 13 weeks as a minimum.

The idea of a kick start is to use the fast acting substance while the others kick in.

Deca at 300mg/wk is also a low dose and barely over what some people use on their cruises/TRT protocols.

Not sure if you're doing PCT or back to TRT (wasn't indicated in your post), but deca should be stopped 1 week before the test e, as it has a longer ester, that way it has time to clear before PCT.
If you're back to TRT, no issues.
Welcome !

We d ALL appreciate and be more forthcoming with opinions if we were given a concise biography of you to include-
Total years training
Cycle history
Sorry didn't give more details, I'm 25. Been training for 8 years. Only ran one cycle before this and that was Test E for 20 weeks and Deca for 15 weeks. I'm 6,0 and 175.
Thanks for the kickstart idea. That does make sense. Should I still incorporate the TBol? I used the prohormone Halodrol and had amazing results. Also I plan on going to pct. I am planning on using clomid at 50mg for 8 weeks.
take the Deca from day one,, do not wait several weeks to begin taking it,, its a very slow acting compound. Also bump it up to 450mg

T-bol does not aromatize and is a good oral for pretty much any cycle.. its not really known as a 'kickstarter' like D-bol though

You'll need to take an AI to keep e2 in check and inhibit aromatiztion,,(keeps estrogen in general from being converted in the first place), as for the gyno, that is 'site' specific and you'll be better off dealing with that issue with a SERM (selective estrogen),, may want to run Raloxifen or something and just get that taken care of first before your cycle, depends on how bad it is. but definitely keep estrogen in check.
however, .5 mg of armidex every day is prob too much, imo.
what are your goals with this cycle??

what was your starting and ending weight with the last one?? at 6'1 175 youre UNDER weight..

usually when i see that, its a sign of poor nutrition