Hey guys,
I'm starting a new cycle and need some help. I'm thinking of running 15 weeks of Test E, TBol, and Deca. I'm planning to jump start the cycle with 50mg of TBol for 5 weeks, and then introduce the Deca.
So it'll look like this
(1-5) 500mg/wk of test e, 50 mg of tbol e.d.
(5-15) 500mg/wk of test e, 300mg/wk of deca
I will be running .5 of Arimidex daily
I currently have some gyno that developed about 6 months ago and I haven't been on gear in 2.5 years. I didn't run an AI on my last cycle so that could be why. I have a little letrozole.. Plenty nolvadex, clomid, and arimidex. My question is, will the arimidex alone reduce the gyno or should I add in some letro before the cycle? Or maybe nolvadex on cycle? First time with gyno so I don't know the best route.
Thanks guys,
I'm starting a new cycle and need some help. I'm thinking of running 15 weeks of Test E, TBol, and Deca. I'm planning to jump start the cycle with 50mg of TBol for 5 weeks, and then introduce the Deca.
So it'll look like this
(1-5) 500mg/wk of test e, 50 mg of tbol e.d.
(5-15) 500mg/wk of test e, 300mg/wk of deca
I will be running .5 of Arimidex daily
I currently have some gyno that developed about 6 months ago and I haven't been on gear in 2.5 years. I didn't run an AI on my last cycle so that could be why. I have a little letrozole.. Plenty nolvadex, clomid, and arimidex. My question is, will the arimidex alone reduce the gyno or should I add in some letro before the cycle? Or maybe nolvadex on cycle? First time with gyno so I don't know the best route.
Thanks guys,