cycle of test en, dbol and tren


New member
Age 24 weight 85kg ripped, bf would be around 7%
Training 10 yrs now. Ran a few cycles heaviest been 95kg 14%

Now the good stuff.
1-9 test enan 500mg pw
1-2 dbol 40mg ed
1-3 tren ace @100mg/ml .5ml ed
Letrozole quarter of 2.5mg tab ed

Pct clomid 4 weeks

Hate face bloat thats why only 2 weeks dbol with letro instead of arimidex
Tren I find harsh sides after 4 weeks mainly acne and oil

Goals 10kgs maintain 7 after pct

Also anyine had much experience with running a cycle purely for leg development? Say upper body once or twice a week and 3 days lower body
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Too short of a cycle to take advantage of test E. Won't even kick in until your cycle is half done.

Tren for three weeks doesn't make any sense to me. You might need to lower the dose, but you should run it for ten to twelve IMO.
Doing tren for 10-12 weeks in my experience isnt worth the health risks nor necessary to receive good gains. Tren ace for 3 weeks is enough with 2 weeks dbol (letro too) to keep me with low bf% and face bloat down to a minimum.
I don't know what question your looking to get answered. If u want a big hug for the cycle that you laid out then here u go... Oh that's a great cycle and your going to get so big and strong! Lol
I don't know what question your looking to get answered. If u want a big hug for the cycle that you laid out then here u go... Oh that's a great cycle and your going to get so big and strong! Lol

Thanks. I do agree with the test en being taken for longer (as above) and looking into it. I thought this was a place I could have opinions from experienced members.. not sarcasm.
Thank you though :)
You were given a good opinion. You posted that u didn't want any more opinions on your cycle length. So what exactly do u want an opinion on?
Letro is overkill too. Look into Aromasin or adex. Ultimately, its your choice. You can do whatever u want. There is a lot of experienced people here that have made mistakes and learned from them that are willing to share that info.
Doing tren for 10-12 weeks in my experience isnt worth the health risks nor necessary to receive good gains. Tren ace for 3 weeks is enough with 2 weeks dbol (letro too) to keep me with low bf% and face bloat down to a minimum.

I think you're wrong, and you haven't made a very convincing argument so my assessment stands.
Ive read on countless threads, forums and profiles not to run tren oast 8 weeks. Ive used tren 4 times myself using high tren low test the last time, 2 before were even test/tren and one before that was high test lower tren. Ive seen great gains with friends running it for 16 weeks but they were fucked after that. I personally have done and prefer short cycles, my last 3 havent been no longer than 6 weeks and I gain very nicely on them and maintain 80+% . I lost weight over this christmas period due to a winged scapula and festive drinking. I dont need to compete im just a health and gym enthusiast. I wasnt aware I had to makesuch a strong argument. Perhaps because I dont sit around postining on steroid forums, rather mostly read and there for dont have a few hundred posts next to my name or high rep power you assuming my experience, knowledge and scientific understanding needs justifing to this extent. We all deal with compounds differently. Tren is harsh, when I said 4 weeks is my max its for good reason. I do agree with you on test running longer and will now go 12 weeks.
Id rather avoid your opinion completely now. However if you read my post there was actually 2 questions. 1 implied by me posting the cycle which if you need help understanding whats between those lines, its a general, 'hey guys what do you think of this cycle?? Pick it apart and give me your experience!!' The second was written at thr bottom and was an actualy question, regarding using a cycle for for weak point training, more specifically leg development. So you see with all your smart ass answers and b*ll shit saying ive asked nothing, in actual fact your just too f**king retarded to read what I actually posted and missed the question/s.
I normally only use the following compounds. Test p, tren a, dbol, anadrol, wini. Id like to try a longer cycle now was considering test only but have all those compounds on hand so thought id use some of them to kick start the cycle.
I can't read your post cuz u misspelled every other word.. whos special now? Leg development comes from training, not a specific type of gear. U want to bulk, run deca smartass...
I spelt probably 5 words wrong this whole thread and you just made 3 in that one post while trying to make a point on mine. Thats pretty special in my opinion. If your going to be a dick about internet spelling, especially when I barely made any mistakes you cant do it in broken english yourself. I never said which gear would make my legs bigger lol thats ridiculous. Also never mentioned bulking. I said, and will post again to clarify, anyone had any experience with running a cycle for leg development? Say 3 days lower body and 1 or 2 upper? Now if you havent then you have nothing to post. I guarantee someone would have. Whether they will see this is a little like fishing I guess. I dont quite understand the red bars next to your name, hiwever I can only assume its because your a waste of time on this site and have talked plenty of shit. Be happy with life, no one likes a negative little sour c*nt.